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什么是缓存中毒?What is cache poisoning?

刷新博客缓存和看法。Refresh cache and view blog.

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提出了四核处理器缓存系统的设计方案。Have ideas on four-core CPU cache.

每个缓存的配置大小。The configured sized of each cache.

二级高速缓冲存储器有错误。An error in the level2 cache memory.

更换回写高速缓存模块。Replace the write-back cache module.

缓存可以抵消服务器负载。The cache can countervail server load.

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二级缓存支持两周期访问Level 2 cache supports two-cycle access

重建系统配置缓存。Rebuilds the system configuration cache.

它代表近缓存访问率。This represents the near cache hit rate.

数据库和缓存都必须支持JTA。Both database and cache must support JTA.

缓存的另一个功能是预加载。Another feature of the cache is preloading.

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这是因为缓存是进程内的。The reason is that the cache is in-process.

在默认情况下,只借出文件缓存页面。By default only file cache pages are loaned.

如果是这样,那么它从缓存装载这个类。If it is, it loads the class from the cache.

巡逻队中有一人发现了一批武器的藏匿之处。One of the patrols discovered an arms cache.

您可以设计一个高速缓存来拥有一个最大的存储量。You can design a cache to have a maximum size.

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在多核芯片下,每个核都有它自己的缓存,并且可以快速访问其他邻居的缓存,这种访问方式比访问主存更有效。In a multicore chip, each core has its own cache.

Wuala也支持从缓存里添加图片。Wuala also supports adding images from the cache.

当请求一个页面时将存储高速缓存条目。The cache item is stored when a page is requested.