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在巴格达另两枚炸弹爆炸。Then two further bombs exploded in Bagdad.

巴格达的国王驾著魔毯飞到了阿拉伯半岛。The caliph of bagdad fly on his magic carpet to Arabia.

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在巴格达萨德尔城地区的密集市场的一起爆炸事件中,至少69人死亡。Mark place in Bagdad Sodar city district killing at least 69 people.

我在哪里可以观看电影在线巴格达窃贼免费全速?Where can I watch The Thief of Bagdad movie online free full stream?

当局报到有3人在一起巴格达北部的路边爆炸事件中丧生,30人受伤。Authorities say roadside bomb killed 3 people and wounded 30 in northern Bagdad.

在巴格达萨达尔城地区一拥挤的市场发生了爆炸,造成至少69个人死亡。A bomb ripped through a marketplace in Bagdad saw a city killing at least 69 people.

BBC驻巴格达记者称,这与最近几个月的露营有部分关系。The BBC's Bagdad correspondent says there was some parts relative camp in recent month.

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甚至俄罗斯也说我们在巴格达照亮了天空,他们没有和美国比赛。Even Russia said after we were lighting up the sky in Bagdad we are no match for the USA.

随着美国在伊拉克的军事使命逐渐结束,副总统Biden去了巴格达。With the U. S military mission in Iraq winding down, Vice President Biden went to Bagdad.

在巴格达看到他我感到十分意外,因为今天晚上我要在萨迈拉同他约会。I was astonished to see him in Bagdad , for I had an appointment with him tonight in Samarra.

巴格达官员们曾经说过他们希望美国的军事培训能帮助他们训练安全部队。Officials in Bagdad have said they want U. S military training help for their security forces.

但是美国力图在第一次决议就通过关于对巴格达使用武力的决议。But the US is pushing for a single resolution that would allow force to be used against Bagdad.

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伊拉克当局称发生一起在巴格达西部的自杀式爆炸造成至少7人死亡。Authorities in Iraq say at least 7 people were killed in a suicide bombing in the western Bagdad.

伊拉克首都巴格达一处主要为什叶派居住的社区发生汽车爆炸案,至少21人丧生。Car bombs have killed at least 21 people in mainly Shiite neighbourhood of the Iraqi capital Bagdad.

最大的爆炸袭击是巴格达东部的汽车爆炸事件,时间设定与教堂服务同时进行。The biggest attack was a deadly car bomb in eastern Bagdad timed to coincide with the church service.

伊拉克军事官员报有3名伊拉克士兵在一起巴格达东北部的路边爆炸中死亡。And Iraqi military official say 3 Iraqi soldiers were killed in the roadside bombing northeast Bagdad.

巴格达不看为最不宜居的生活城市因为它的战争和很多威胁战后。Bagdad has been seen as the most unsuitable for living city as for its war and many threats after war.

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在巴格达萨德尔城地区,一枚炸弹将一个拥挤的市场炸裂开来,造成至少69人死亡。A bomb ripped through a crowded market place in Bagdad in Sadr City district, killing at least 69 people.

现在我可以列举加起来一百多条理由解释为什么在巴格达花费10需要天的事件,而在美国则要花费将近六个月的时间。Now I can list the hundred plus reasons why it takes 10 days in Bagdad and more like six months in the U. S.

巴格达市中心发生连环爆炸袭击事件,在短短几分钟内,各处伤亡惨重,导致至少75人死亡,300多人受伤。A series of explosions within minutes of each other has killed at least 75 people and wounded more than 300 others in the center of Bagdad.