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对于所有米技术。For all M. Tech.

我是一个实验室里的技术员。I am a lab tech.

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技术抑或人为失误?Tech or human fail?

哦,对,还有乔治亚理工学院。Oh, and Georgia Tech.

面试一乙高新技术。Interview of a B. Tech.

你为什么要上加州理工?Why did you choose Cal Tech?

高级流行时尚遭遇高科技。High fashion meets high tech.

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旧金山是一座科技城。San Francisco is a tech city.

人人都在高科技行业工作。Everybody works in a high tech.

你的意思是说都别搞技术了?You mean not to go tech at all?

别一股脑搬出这些科技对话,脑怪!Easy on the tech talk, brainiac!

这他妈怎么是个科技故事?How the hell is this a tech story?

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别着急,我来自技术支持部门。Don't worry, I'm from tech support.

他环视了一下这充满高科技的房间。He looks around the high tech room.

我使用的技术叫激光焊接。The tech I'm using is Laser-welding.

好的,布莱恩,我们的技术支持人员,他听说过Yeah. Okay. Brian, our tech guy, has.

科技类股公司能不负投资者期望吗?Can Investors Hang Their Hats on Tech?

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什么是他下一个对科技战线?What's next for him on the tech front?

DDoS攻击是惊人的低技术。DDoS attacks are surprisingly low tech.

科技界是个很小的圈子。The tech world can be a very small place.