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她的手,是杀人的。Her hand is homicidal.

有自杀或者行凶的冲动。Suicidal or homicidal urges.

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我心里涌起了一种恨不能杀人的冲动。I was seized by something akin to a homicidal urge.

我认为他应该更像是一个行凶抢劫犯。I think he would have been closer to a homicidal mugger.

西方世界的确被杀人狂抹黑了。The western world was indeed black with homicidal monomania.

以后你在发一些杀人的视频你就惨了。Here after you are delivering some homicidal video frequencies you miserably.

约塞连有一种杀人的冲动,想用机关枪杀掉所有的人。这很疯狂吗?Yossarian feels a homicidal impulse to machine gun total strangers. Isn't that crazy?

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没了我去挡住,你能杀人吗?要靠坦克杀人,还要你来做什麽?。Had no me to hold up, can you kill people?depend on the tank is homicidal and also want you to do what ?

美国东部一家医院的连环死亡案怀疑就与蓄意使用氯化筒箭毒碱有关。The use of Tubarine as a homicidal poison was suspected in a series of eastern United States hospital deaths.

在凶杀案件中,至少有三分之二的困难是由于那些原本无辜的家伙为了他们各自的利益说谎而造成的。At least two-thirds of the difficulties in homicidal cases are caused by innocent asses lying for all they're worth.

在科雷利亚星系救了埃瓦赞医生一命后,庞达就跟这个惹是生非的杀人狂共事。Ponda teamed up with trouble-magnet Dr. Evazan after saving the life of the homicidal maniac in the Corellian system.

但是,安乐死行为与故意杀人行为有重大的区别,并不符合故意杀人罪的构成要件。But, the euthanasia behavior hasa lot difference to intentionally homicidal behavior, and do not matchintentionally the Tatbestand of the murder charge.

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见血封喉的浸汁毒箭和毒箭部落人嗜杀如命的凶恶性格叫众人顿时觉得惊悚不已。See blood sealing throat leaching bugged and poisoned arrows tribal people juice homicidal like life of evil character that all immediately feel thriller unceasingly.

我记得曾有种杀人的感觉,因为当我抿几口咖啡或者偶然吃几片炸土豆片时,一个作者的著作让我感觉我是在冒着生出先天畸形婴儿的风险而这样做的。I remember having homicidal feelings for one writer whose book made me feel like I was risking serious birth defects with every sip of coffee and stray French fry that passed my lips.

利用铊盐投毒隐匿性强,给案件的侦破带来很大难度,同时也因诊断不及时而耽误治疗。The homicidal cases of thallium poisoning are much inconspicuous, which have brought quite difficulty to crack a criminal case and delayed treatment of the victims due to unclear diagnosis.

朕也是最近才知道,屠天教主的大弟子竟然一直呆在云王朝,还创办了杀人口碑甚好的杀王殿。I am to just know recently, the big pupil of Tu Tian's religious leader is unexpectedly all foolish in cloud empire, also built homicidal public compliment to very nice annihilate Wang Dian.