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进口商是银行的代理、委托人和受托者。The importer is the agent, trustee and bailee of the bank.

寄托人出于信任把个人财产移交给受托人。The delivery of personal property in trust by the bailor to the bailee.

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寄托人出于信任把个人财产移交给受托人。实现计划。The delivery of personal property in trust by the bailor to the bailee.

本保险的权益承运人或其他受托人不得享受。This insurance shall not inure to the benefit of the carrier or other bailee.

因此,如果主人将动物交付他人,则责任也转移至接受占有的受托人。Hence, if the owner surrenders possession to another, the bailee becomes liable.

受托保管人麦迪逊扮演莎莉,一个年轻的女孩谁去与她同住的父亲和他的女朋友。Bailee Madison plays Sally, a young girl who goes to live with her father and his girlfriend.

供应商在此与我们约定,供应商作为代管人为我公司保管该复印件。Supplier hereby agrees with us that the supplier stores the copies on behalf of our company as bailee.

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保险的利益17不适用条款本保险除了被保险人之外对于任何承运人或受托人的利益不适用。Benefit of insurance17not to inure clause this insurance shall not inure to the benefit of any carrier or bailee other than assured.

本条之规定不影响买卖双方作为另一方之受托人或保管人的义务或责任。Nothing in this section affects the duties or liabilities of either seller or buyer as a bailee or custodier of the goods of the other party.

我国受托人责任范围采取当事人意思自治原则,并无违反公平原则。The scope of the liability of the bailee in our country holds the autonomous principle of the viewpoint of the person concerned, which does not violate the principle of fairness.