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它是由放置器指定的。It is assigned by the placer.

印度尼西亚砂金资源丰富。Indonesia is rich in gold placer resources.

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苏联的砂矿矿床比较丰富。Placer deposit is highly developed in USSR.

矿床成因属第四纪残积型。The origin of the deposit belongs to Quarternary eluvial placer type.

溶蚀系数可指示砂金是近或远原生源金矿。The coefficient of dissolution can indicate the source of placer gold.

工程勘察钻机和砂矿钻机之间具有许多共同之处。Site investigation drill and placer exploration drill have much in common.

九道湾地区已发现中型砂锡矿床。A middling placer deposit of tin has been discovered in Jiudaowan district.

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这种原始的砂矿开采形式至今还在一些地方用来淘金。This primitive form of placer mining is still used in some places for panning gold.

“平桂”砂锡矿,早在“青铜时代”已被发现、开发利用。Pinggui Sn placer in Guangxi was discovered and exploited as early as the Bronze Age.

安家岔金矿床是由砂金追根溯源而找到的矿床。Anjiacha gold deposit is a bedrock gold deposit which was discovered by tracing placer gold.

指出以过采区为依据寻找砂金矿可靠性大,风险度小,是行之有效的途径之一。Eraluating the mined out area is one of effective and dependable ways for exploring placer gold.

砂金地区一般分布在地形平坦、呈带状的江河流域。A placer gold area is usually distributed in the flowing regions of plain terrain, belt-like rivers.

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较重的物质可在水中与较轻的物质分离,砂矿开采正是利用这个原理。Placer mining is based on the FACT that heavier substances can be separated from lighter ones in water.

使金重新分布,砂金分布与金源、地貌和新构造运动关系密切。Distribution of gold placer deposits is closely related with gold-bearing horizon, morphology and tectonism.

南方许多地区的砂金矿床存在对采金船开采影响极大的胶结层。Glued layer exists in placer gold deposits in the south of China which influences upon gold dredging greatly.

罗斯维尔位于普莱瑟郡,距离塞拉利昂内华达州和太平洋海岸几乎相同。Roseville is located in Placer County and is nearly equidistant from the Sierra Nevadas and the Pacific Coast.

提出了一种用气举和自激振荡脉冲射流相结合的方式开采潜水层滨海砂矿的新方法。The method using the airlift and the self-excited oscillation jet for exploiting deep beach placer has been presented.

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矽卡岩型金银铜铁多金属矿床等是本区砂金矿的物质来源。The source materials of the placer gold deposit in the area are from skarn — typed Au — Ag — Cu — Fe polymetallic ore.

该区砂金成色具有明显的不均一性、继承性和后期改造性。The fineness of placer gold in this district is apparently featured by inhomogeneity, inheritance and afterdeformation.

原生矿产于第三纪的尧山组玄武质碧玄岩中,砂矿则分布于方山周围的水系中。The native minerals originating from Tertiary basanite of Yaoshan formation, the placer is in water systems around Fangshan.