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突袭开始了。The raid begins.

这是警察临检。This is a police raid.

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但这是一次精确的袭击。But it was a precise raid.

那听起来像是空袭警报。It sounds like an air raid siren.

空袭警报尖锐的呼啸声划破长空。The air raid sirens were wailing.

参与一次魔兽世界的突袭行动。Participate in a World of Warcraft raid.

我们会进行了25人突袭游戏。We're going to do a 25-person raid game.

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这时候恰好碰见了防空演习。Right in the middle of an air raid drill.

驾驶员汇报了空袭情况。Pilots were debriefed on the bombing raid.

警方在突袭过程中搜到这些毒品。The drugs were found during a police raid.

他们将于次日袭击华沙。They were going to raid Warsaw the next day.

这次银行劫案中有一名保安员遇害。A security guard was killed in the bank raid.

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关少校率部突袭教堂。Guan Major led the troops to raid the church.

突袭行动中损失了一架F18舰载战斗机。One plane, a marine F18, was lost in the raid.

空袭几乎把这座城镇夷为高山。The bombing raid practically leveled the town.

八名土耳其人及土裔美国人在冲突中丧生。Turks and a Turkish-American died in the raid.

该杂志被查获,戏剧性的美国的袭击。The journal was seized in the dramatic US raid.

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create告诉mdadm创建新的RAID设备。create tells mdadm to create a new RAID device.

八土耳其人和土耳其,美国在袭击死亡。Eight Turks and a Turkish-American died in the raid.

警察突击检查伦敦的一所商店,发现了138件披肩。A police raid on a shop in L ond on found 138 shawls.