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家具适合用带雕刻的欧美家具样式。Furniture suits to use take carven Euramerican furniture style.

今天向亲们介绍欧美风的服装。Today, I'd like to introduce you to euramerican style of clothing.

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惠特曼被认为是欧美自由诗体的开创者。Hui Teman is considered as the inaugurator of Euramerican and free verse.

这种装修方式在欧美较常见,主要适用于高大的房间。This kind decorates means to be in Euramerican commonner, basically apply to lofty room.

不仅如此,赤道上的花朵颜色浓艳饱和,是欧美市场的宠儿。Not only that, the equator of flower color saturation, rich and gaudy is euramerican market pet.

除美国交易所外,欧美各大交易所均未实现大型IPO。Outside dividing American bourse, euramerican each are big bourse all unfulfilment is large IPO.

除纽约证券交易所外,欧美各大交易所均未实现大型IPO。Outside dividing new York stock exchange, euramerican each are big bourse all unfulfilment is large IPO.

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思美特精妙绝伦的制作工艺源自欧美古典、简洁风格。The delicate processing technique of Smet roots in Euramerican style of the classicality and simplicity.

当年大物理学家卢瑟福便是在麦吉尔发现了原子的结构,使麦吉尔在欧美声名大噪。That physicists rutherford McGill is found in the atomic structure, make McGill in euramerican became noise.

但有关欧美国家白种人的研究发现FXIIIVal34Leu突变是脑梗死的保护因素。But some Euramerican studies show the mutation of FXIII Val34Leu is the protect determinant to cerebral infarction.

北京欧美雅洁以优质的售后服务为企业的核心竞争力之一。Beijing is Euramerican one of core competition ability that elegant clean is an enterprise with excellent after service.

专业生产现代板式家具,欧美古典家具,现代办公家具。Smet is a professional production base of modern panel furniture, Euramerican classical furniture and modern office furniture.

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作为东南亚最大的汽车市场,泰国一直是欧美和日本汽车公司争夺的焦点。As the biggest auto market in South-East Asia, Thailand has always been the bone of competition for Euramerican and Japanese automakers.

第二章是建立在对欧美音乐剧以及中国传统戏曲这两个范本的运作管理模式分析基础之上的研究。The second chapter bases its discussion on the comparison of two respective managing models of Euramerican Musical and Chinese traditional drama.

我们都觉得那些女人不漂亮,黑黑的、矮矮的、瘦瘦的,又丑,可导游说欧美男人就喜欢这种。We think those Shemales are not beautiful, they are dark, short, thin and ugly. But the guide told us that Euramerican men just like this kind of women.

对已知瓢叶目植物生态信息较为全面的观察分析表明,华夏植物群中瓢叶目植物的生态条件与欧美植物群较为相似。A comprehensive analysis on the palaeoecology of Noeggerathiales indicates that the ecological condition of this group of plants from Cathaysian and Euramerican floras may be similar.