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他的文体很明畅。His style is very lucid.

你必须保持清醒和控制力。You have to be lucid and in control.

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清醒梦完全是门可以学会的技能。Lucid dreaming is a completely learnable skill.

在网上还有其他做清醒梦的人吗?Any other lucid dreamers out there in cyberspace?

试着去感受一下清醒梦可能会是怎样的一个感觉。Try to feel what it would be like to become lucid.

做一个清晰之梦对人们非常的有好处。Just being in a lucid dream is a turn-on for people.

上周一次20分钟的午睡给我一个清晰的梦。Last week I had a lucid dream during a 20-minute nap.

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重返现实世界吧,从你自认为闪耀的梦镜中醒来。Come back to reality. Wake up from your lucid dream"."

精神病医生斯蒂芬·伯奇是研究清醒做梦的专家。Psychiatrist Stephen LaBerge is an expert on lucid dreaming.

我第一次做清醒梦只持续了5——10秒左右的时间。The first time I had a lucid dream, it only lasted 5-10 seconds.

清醒梦是你在梦中意识到你自己在做梦。Lucid dreaming is simply realizing you’re dreaming within a dream.

在清醒梦中我还可以触碰到所有清醒时的记忆。When lucid dreaming I still have access to all my waking memories.

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秋天,乌苏里江像蔚蓝色的海,清澈透明。In autumn, Wusuli River is like an azure sea, lucid and transparent.

但清醒的梦中的一切仍然是你自己意识的一部分。But everything in the lucid dream is still a subset of your own mind.

事实上,导演兼编剧诺兰从他16岁起就开始做清醒梦了。In fact, director-writer Nolan has been lucid dreaming since he was 16.

如果能去除这些添加,一切就会变得比较清晰。If can delete these accessions , everything be able to become more lucid.

通常情况下他就是个二百五。不过偶尔他清醒了,他可以升级成傻逼。Ordinarily he is insane. But he has lucid moments when he is only stupid.

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在一片肃穆中,我感到自己、汤姆、天空、大地及上帝溶为一体。In lucid stillness, I felt myself and Tom and sky and earth and God as one.

保持头脑明锐,说不爱就不爱,这也算是一种特别的不管不顾的勇气。And there is a kind of desperate courage in being lucid and refusing to love.

谈判进行期间,他很平静,不过我不觉得他的精神状态很清醒。At times during the negotiations, he was calm, but I wouldn't call him lucid.