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周二晚上,在顿涅茨克,你打进关键一球。You scored an important goal Tuesday night against Shakhtar in Donetsk.

安切洛蒂很欣赏球队在顿涅茨克所表现出的执行战术的能力。Carlo Ancelotti enjoyed a lot the tactical order of the team at Donetsk.

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顿涅兹克矿工已经宣布他们从阿森纳签下了克罗地亚射手爱德华多。Shakhtar Donetsk have announced the signing of Croatian striker Eduardo from Arsenal.

假如波尔图未能击败顿涅茨克矿工,希腊人竞技只需要一场平局就能够出线。A draw will be enough to ensure a top-two finish if Porto fail to beat Shakhtar Donetsk.

坎切尔斯基的生涯开始于基辅迪那摩在1988年,随后于1990年去了顿涅茨克矿工队。Kanchelskis started his career with Dynamo Kyiv in 1988 and then went to Shakhtar Donetsk in 1990.

顿涅茨克矿工将会在32强中,然而同城对手埃弗顿也在其中。Holders Shakhtar Donetsk will be in the last 32, while local rivals Everton could also be in the mix.

报道指,1996年乌克兰议员叶夫根尼·谢尔班与妻子在顿涅茨克机场被枪杀。Reports that in 1996 Ukraine Member Evgeny Nixie Er Ban and his wife were shot in the Donetsk airport.

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我认为形势比看上去要困难,顿涅兹克矿工和布拉加都是很好的球队,此外还有很多长途旅行。I think it is more difficult than it looks because we have Shakhtar Donetsk and Braga who are two very good teams.

基里亚科斯帮助希腊保住明年世界杯决赛圈的席位,他们在顿涅茨克1比0小胜乌克兰。Sotirios Kyrgiakos helped Greece secure a place at next year's World Cup finals thanks to a 1-0 victory over Ukraine in Donetsk.

富勒姆在上一轮比赛中淘汰了卫冕冠军顿涅斯科矿工队,他们将在今晚的欧联杯16强淘汰赛首回合比赛中客场挑战斑马军团。The Cottagers are due in Turin for the first leg of their last 16 clash having already knocked out the holders Shakhtar Donetsk.

顿涅咨克矿工中场贾德森与转会至英超联系起来,因为利物浦对他垂涎三尺。Shakhtar Donetsk midfielder Jadson is being linked with a move to the Premier League with Liverpool thought to be monitoring him.

现在米兰必须指望卡拉奇能在接下来的两场和顿涅兹克矿工的比赛中顶替迪达的位置。Now Milan must hope that Zeljko Kalac can fill the gap left by Dida for the Diavolo's two games against Ukrainians Shakhtar Donetsk.

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乌克兰东南部一城市,位于顿涅茨盘地,顿涅茨克市的北部,主要的采煤中心和工业中心。人口342,000。A city of southeast Ukraine in the Donets Basin north of Donetsk. It is a major coal-mining and industrial center. Population, 342,000.

我想了一圈最后认为黑马只可能是矿工。他们的进攻真的做得不错,并且去到乌克兰的比赛通常都很棘手。My dark horses for a good run are Shakhtar Donetsk. They are a really good attacking team and going to Ukraine is always a tricky game.

在前往顿涅茨克之前,加利亚尼和安切洛蒂在马尔彭萨机场接受了媒体的采访。Before the departure for Donetsk Adriano Galliani and Carlo Ancelotti answered the questions of the journalists present at Malpensa airport.

列在收购名单首位的是租借在曼城的顿涅茨克矿工队的墨西哥国脚卡斯蒂略,而皇家贝蒂斯也在追逐该球员。Top of their shopping list is Mexico international Castillo , who is on-loan at City from Shakhtar Donetsk. Real Betis are also chasing Castillo.

队长斯尔纳向高层推荐了爱德华多,看起来矿工的高层已经接触了阿森纳而枪手也打算做这笔生意。Captain Dario Srna recommended Eduardo to the Donetsk hierarchy and it seems they have approached Arsenal and the club were willing to do business.

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这也许是对阵顿涅茨克矿工时的表现的原因吧,但对阵布拉加则是由于一些很难作出的决定所导致失败的。That was perhaps the reason for the performance in Donetsk anyway, but in Braga I thought it was more about a few decisions that were very hard to take.

为了备战周三同矿工的冠军杯资格赛,曼齐尼将安排在周一傍晚与周二早晨进行两次赛前训练。Roberto Mancini's squad continue their preparations for Wednesday's visit of Shatkhar Donetsk with training sessions late Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning.

乌克兰东部政府军和俄罗斯支持的分裂主义之间的战争升级,导致顿涅茨克建筑严重受损。Fighting between government troops and Russia-backed separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine escalated, causing serious damage to buildings in the city of Donetsk.