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像一些贫穷的阿拉伯部落和他的帐篷里。Like some poor Arab tribesman and his tent.

过去我用筷子吃东西就像巴布亚新几内亚的部落人用矛刺鱼一样。I once used chopsticks like Papua New Guinea tribesman spear fish.

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他是一位卢奥部落男子,成长在肯尼亚,求学于哈佛。He was a Luo tribesman who grew up in Kenya and studied at Harvard.

这些相同的普什图部落的后代就是今天的塔利班。These are the same Pashtun tribesman whose descendants are today's Taliban.

缅甸安达曼群岛上,一位莫肯族人手里展示了两枚大货贝。Moken tribesman in Myanmar's Andaman Islands displays two large cowrie shells.

缅甸安达曼群岛上,一位莫肯族人手里展示了两枚大货贝。A Moken tribesman in Myanmar's Andaman Islands displays two large cowrie shells.

一份报告称在一个部落的房子里至少有五个人死于这次空袭。One report said at least five people in a local tribesman 's house were among those killed.

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美国正在被1950年代卢奥部落男子的梦想统治着,真是令人难以置信。Incredibly, the U.S. is being ruled according to the dreams of a Luo tribesman of the 1950s.

阿法尔族有一条已经废除的习俗,男人在杀死过一名敌对部落成员之前不可以结婚。One Afar custom, now defunct, declared a man could not marry without first killing an enemy tribesman.

摄影师岩合光昭使用了低角度摄影,从而使马赛族人的身体在这张照片里显得富有魅力。Photographer Mitsuaki Iwago used a low angle and the body of the Maasai tribesman to add drama to this photograph.

盔甲锥帐中聚集部落中熟练工匠,专心打制美洲常见木制战甲。The Armour Maker's Tipi houses the tribesman most skilled in making the wooden armour common throughout the tribe.

2009年9月15日—在肯尼亚的莱基皮亚高原上,一位马赛族人必须有九头牛才能结婚。September 15, 2009—Up on the Laikipia Plateau in Kenya, a Masai tribesman must have nine cattle before he can get married.

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换句话说,它的所有,但可以肯定的是三军情报局开拍由他的弟弟和儿子提起的案件中死亡的部落。In other words, it's all but certain that the ISI greenlit the case brought by the tribesman for the death of his brother and son.

这里的原始山部落或女人来面对面与现代的氛围陌生,两者西方旅游者。Here the primitive hill tribesman or woman comes face to face with the modern western traveler in a milieu strange to both of them.

他们载歌载舞,手持刀剑和步枪,表演了部落男子奔赴战场或返回家园的传统舞蹈。They swayed as they sang, carrying swords and rifles and performing a traditional dance of tribesman going off to war or returning home.

如果问一位在朱巴的丁卡部落男子是否对投票的延迟失望,他会聪明的回答自己很有信心最终会开放,在“非洲时间”。Asked if he was disappointed at the tardiness of the polls, one Dinka tribesman in Juba sagely replied that he was confident they would open eventually, on “African time”.

研究人员是与肯亚南部的安波赛利大象研究计画合作,让大象嗅闻乾净的衣服,以及分别被马赛族人或坎巴族人穿过的衣物。Working with the Amboseli Elephant Research Project in southern Kenya, the researchers presented the animals with clean clothing and material worn by either a Masai or Kamba tribesman.

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对“奢侈”的定义真是仁者见仁智者见智,像我对“奢侈”的定义就一定会与住在北极圈的因纽特人不同。The word luxury is more a fluid concept than some absolute definition. My definition of luxury will most probably differ completely from that of say an Inuit Tribesman living above the arctic circle.