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是否是小说?Is it fiction?

阅读同人小说。Read fan fiction.

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而且我迷上了小说。And I was hooked on fiction.

她的故事纯属虚构。Her story was a pure fiction.

我喜欢看科幻片。I like science fiction films.

别将事实与虚构混为一谈。Don't braid fact with fiction.

你看过同人小说吗?Have you read any fan fiction?

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我喜欢看科幻电影!I love science fiction movies!

露丝带来了我们的小说。对不对?。Luise carry our fiction. Right?

这本小说是一本恐怖小说。This novel is a horror fiction.

本故事纯属虚构。The story is completely fiction.

这小说不适于摄制成电影。The fiction story won't film well.

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你喜欢传记还是小说?Do you prefer biography or fiction?

事实常常比小说更离奇。Fact is often stanger than fiction.

小说之所以不真实正在这里。Here lies the unreality of fiction.

喜欢什么,科幻小说吗?Well. For what? the science fiction?

实际上,所有的小说都是同人小说。All fiction, in fact, is fan fiction.

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我总是看侦探片。I always watch science fiction films.

这有许多简直是乌托帮的空想。Much of it is simply Utopian fiction.

事实往往比小说更奇怪。Truth is often stranger than fiction.