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我真的不在意某些人的看法。I really don't care what the DM sour gits think.

但不要发一些机密的信息,除非你发的是私信。But avoid anything confidential unless it's a DM.

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本站终于孺子可教,一篇真正有趣吸引人的文章。At last DM. A truly interesting fascinating article.

糖尿病发生概率大约是每400-500只猫犬中发生一只。DM occurs in about one of every 400-500 dogs and cats.

全球DM竞赛每隔12至18个月举行一次。Global DM competitions are held every 12 to 18 months.

糖尿病组的舌质红明显少于非糖尿病组,差异显著。Red tongue in Group DM is less than that in Group Non-DM.

得了吧!又打算没事找事,川普先生?Oh please! Trying to make something out of nothing again DM?

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这是个大富命。现资产数十亿元。The DM is a millionaire. Asset and property exceed a billion.

经常吃蔬菜是1型糖尿病的保护因素。School age period was period of high circulation of type 1 DM.

道路照明弹现在将不会在死亡模式中为你的敌对小队提供视野。Road Flares now do not grant vision to the opposing Team in DM.

我们今年最多能订买大体马克的棉毛衫。红茶的功效与作用。The maximum quzeroty of cotton jerseys this year is nosmost DM.

此外,成年人通常会滥用右美沙芬。Further, DM is a commonly used as a drug of abuse by adolescents.

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这个插件的开发者便帮助DM添加了对这些功能的支持。The developer of this plugin is helping update DM to add support.

结论血清PON1活性与2型糖尿病并发冠心病明显相关。Conclusion Serum PON1 activity was relative to type 2 DM with CAD.

氮磷钾对玉米根系的效应主要表现在促根的条数和干物质的增加。The DM weight and the number of roots are increased by N. P. and K.

因此,我们只能兑换纸币并用马克硬币补齐差额。So we just exchange the bills and make up any difference in DM coins.

结论舒糖宝可提高四氧嘧啶DM大鼠抗氧化能力。Conclusion Shutangbao can raise antioxidant ability of alloxan DM rat.

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那3个中场才是战术的关键,后腰就是本本分分的后腰。The 3 midfielders are key to the tactic though. The DM has to be a DM.

由DM决定参战者位在战斗方格的何处。The DM decides where the combatants are positioned on the battle grid.

如果房间显示请勿打扰状态,总机应联系大堂经理取得帮助。If the room is on "DND" status, operator will contact DM for assistance.