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哪一个洗衣女工想要手表?Which washerwoman wants to watch?

但是洗衣妇注意到了他的眼光。But the washerwoman felt his eyes.

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她说她是到洗衣女人那里去的。She had gone to see her washerwoman.

哪一个软弱无力的洗衣女工想要看?Which wishy-washy washerwoman wants to watch?

从前,有一个寡妇,带着三个女儿以替人洗衣为生。There was once a widowed washerwoman with three daughters.

你说你是干洗衣这行当的,那很好。‘You’re a washerwoman to your trade, says you. Very well, that’s that.

一位印度的洗衣妇悬挂透明的纱丽晒干在一间屋子的白灰墙壁上。A washerwoman hangs diaphanous saris to dry on the mortared walls of a house in India.

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几个金币离开蛤蟆的口袋消失在洗衣婆的钱包里。Several gold coins left the Toad's pocket and disappeared into the washerwoman 's purse.

哪一个软弱无力的洗衣女工想要手表?Which wishy-washy washerwoman wants to watch? Which wishy-washy washerwoman wants to watch?

当华盛顿的洗衣女工去到西部,谁愿意给华盛顿洗白色的羊毛内衣裤呢?Who would wash Washington's white woolen underwear when Washington's washerwoman went west?

等银鼻子一走远,洗衣妇万分焦急地打开了口袋,紧紧抱住了自己的二女儿。When he had gone, the washerwoman anxiously opened the bag and embraced her second daughter.

所以她们就是洗衣工和囚徒的女儿,她们有什么资格与其他的孩子为伴啊!But everybody said he was in prison. So they were the daughters of a washerwoman and a gaolbird.

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她的人力车夫父亲和洗衣工母亲极为贫穷,以至于曾把三个刚出生的子女送给别人。Her rickshaw-pulling father and washerwoman mother were so poor that they gave three of their children away at birth.

银鼻子一走,洗衣妇就打开了口袋,当她看到自己的大女儿时,高兴的样子就可想而知了。As soon as he left, the washerwoman opened the sack, and you can imagine her joy upon finding her oldest daughter inside.

他父亲是个鞋匠,母亲则在嫁给安徒生的父亲之前曾在富人的大宅子里做洗衣工。His father was a shoemaker and his mother had been a washerwoman in the large houses of the rich before she married Andersen's father.

如果冰淇淋落到贫穷洗衣妇的颈上,大家会同情她,落到富家女颈上,大家会大笑。If I drop ice cream on the neck of a poor washerwoman people will pity her, while if I drop it on a rich woman's neck they will laugh.

如果冰淇淋落到贫穷洗衣妇的颈上,大家会同情她,落到富家女颈上,大家会大笑。If I drop ice cream on the neck of a poor washerwoman people will pity her, while if I drop it I on a rich woman's neck they will laugh.

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是的,除了把我塞进酒桶的水手,打扫船舱的男孩,你派给我暖床的女孩,还有那个长舌的洗衣婆。No man except the sailors who stuffed me in that barrel, the cabin boy who cleaned up after me, the girl you sent to warm my bed, and that treacherous freckled washerwoman.

曾经被法国人认为最恶名昭彰的舞蹈,看电视狂人雷诺怎麽让一群洗衣妇变成一群性感可爱的康康舞娘,打造亮眼华丽的红磨坊。This comedy drama from Jean Renoir chronicles the revival of Paris' most notorious dance as it tells the story of a theater producer who turns a humble washerwoman into a star at the Moulin Rouge.