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作品的归属通常是一种假定,而非不可动摇的事实。Attributions can often be hypotheses rather than unshakable facts.

目前,科学家提出了几个假说来解释黄杉数量的下降。Scientists have advanced several hypotheses to explain this decline.

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牛顿相信他能够说「我没有预先假设什麽。」Hypotheses no fingo, Newton believed he could say, " I assume nothing."

审计学作为一门社会学科,也有其自身的审计假设。Auditing as a social-science discipline, has its own hypotheses as well.

在我们的报告中,我们将会叙述与讨论各种不同病因的假说。We will describe and discuss the hypotheses of etiologies in our report.

由于缺乏现场证据,因此出现了各种假设性解释。The dearth of evidence on-site gave rise to various explanatory hypotheses.

在康奈尔大学的工作是测试昆虫的推进力和可控性。The work at Cornell is testing hypotheses of insect propulsion and control.

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然而,三个假设并未得到完全验证。According to the results of a pretest , three hypotheses have been proposed.

第四章通过两个预实验和一个正式试验,对假设进行了验证。Chapter IV, through the two pre-test and a formal test to verify the hypotheses.

其成气假说主要有合成气说和地球脱气说。The gas-forming hypotheses are mainly synthetic gas and earth outgas hypotheses.

因为一旦我们知道,我们可以推断这三个假设是正确的。Because once we know that, we can infer which of the three hypotheses is correct.

对王夫之、朱自清等旧说予以驳正,新人耳目。In addition, Li Jinkun debates over the hypotheses by Wang Fuzhi, and Zhu Ziqing.

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用一个笔记本记下每次暂停时的情况,观察并推测原因。Keep a notepad handy and jot down cause and effect, observations, and hypotheses.

人们提出了不同的假设,试图说明埃博拉暴发的起源。Different hypotheses have been developed to explain the origin of Ebola outbreaks.

另外有些实验表明科尔莫戈罗夫的基本假设之一缺乏根据。Other experiments have shown one of kolmogorov's basic hypotheses to be unfounded.

如果一种或几种多重宇宙假说是正确的,那么就很有可能。If one or more of the multiverse hypotheses is correct, then quite possibly they do.

所以,如果我们不通过这样去看待鸟类的话,我们可能会得到一套完全不一样的猜想。So, if we don't view birds through this we might have a different set of hypotheses.

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犯罪中止博弈分析的展开必须借助相关的假设和前提。The game analysis of discontinued crime must have some hypotheses and preconditions.

对多重宇宙假说的一种批评是它们总是难以被证实。One criticism of multiverse hypotheses is that they are frequently difficult to test.

为什么我要做这件农作,严重的纲的战假定是什么?Why did I do the work? What were the centris motivines a subull craptantiald hypotheses?