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我来自匹茨堡。I'm from Pittsburgh?

在这方面,以匹兹堡作为会议地点适逢其会。Pittsburgh was a perfect venue for this work.

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在匹兹堡夏令时间的时候到户外工作。Summer time in Pittsburgh is time to work outdoors.

霍利,没错。匹兹堡的钢铁大王。Nathan Hockley. That's right. Pittsburgh steel tycoon.

去年在匹兹堡召开的20国集团首脑会议认识到了这一变化。Last year’s G-20 Summit at Pittsburgh recognized that change.

此外,其它最值得推荐的旅游景点还有位于波因特公园的观光塔——“华盛顿山”。Another of the most popular things to do in Pittsburgh is a trip to Mt.

匹兹堡大学的斯蒂凡尼·司徒登斯基博士是这项研究的负责人。Dr. Stephanie Studenski at the University of Pittsburgh led the study.

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这是有天赋的青年离开匹兹堡的又一个例子。Here was another example of a talented young person leaving Pittsburgh.

这在2009年匹茨堡20国峰会上全面地体现出来。This idea was clearly pointed out by the G-20 Pittsburgh summit in 2009.

多年来,匹兹堡被认为是世界钢都。For many years, Pittsburgh was considered the steel capital of the world.

摄影师和录音师在匹兹堡的最后一天遭到了持枪劫掠。The cameraman and sound recordist were mugged on their last day in Pittsburgh.

这应该成为接下来在匹兹堡举行的G20峰会的主题之一。This should be one of the central themes of the next G20 meeting in Pittsburgh.

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这次会议是9月25至26日在匹兹堡举行的G20峰会的预演。The meeting is a precursor to a full G20 summit in Pittsburgh on 25-26 September.

沙克瑞恩的第一个店面位于匹兹堡下城木头街418号。Shakarian's first storefront was located at 418 Wood Street in downtown Pittsburgh.

红翼队在六月份的六场比赛击败匹兹堡企鹅队赢得斯坦利杯。The Red Wings won the cup by beating Pittsburgh Penguins in six games back in June.

黑色和黄色是城市的橄榄球队,匹兹堡钢人队的颜色。Black and yellow are the colors of the city's football team, the Pittsburgh Steelers.

您一定是我们期待已久的客人,从匹兹堡大学来的格林教授吧。You must be our long-expected guest , Professor White from University of Pittsburgh !

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我飞往匹兹堡,带上我的笔记本电脑,在宾馆房间里练习我的演讲。I flew to Pittsburgh and took my laptop with me to practice my speech in the hotel room.

整个上半场,钢人和圣徒的推进码数比是305比56,传接球码数则是205比32。In the first half, Pittsburgh outgained New Orleans 305-56, including 205-32 in the air.

宾夕法尼亚匹州兹堡大学的萨拜娜•德特里克是城市方面的专家。Sabina Deitrick, at the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, is an expert on cities.