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非也,它是“专为现代趴趴走族设计的座椅设备”。No, it's a "seating device for the modern nomad."

来自游牧2货架上,与前有线保险丝。Comes mounted on Nomad 2 shelf, with pre-wired fuse.

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在印度“游牧”一词词义也存有争议。Just defining the term "nomad" is problematic in India.

只是有人谁愿意成为一个游牧民族。Just a hint for anyone who wants to become a Vive Nomad.

牧民们不会离开,但他们的生活将大为不同。The nomad will not go. But his life will be very different.

游牧民是一个到处流浪、居无定所的部落的成员。A nomad is the member of a trible that wanders from place to place.

我已经离家太久了,这让我有游子归家的感觉。I've been away from home for too long you know I feel like a nomad.

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但是这很有意思。我是个到处游荡的人。我主要靠我的车,but it's fun. I'm kind of a nomad. I live out of my car essentially

我已经离家太久了,这让我有游子归家的感觉。I`ve been away from home for too long, you know, I feel like a nomad.

许多游牧部落的孩子为了前途而需要一个固定的住所。Many nomad children, looking toward the future, want a fixed address.

作为外交官,又是蒙古族人,我是个天生的游牧者,似乎一生都在不断地履新和离别之间徘徊。As a diplomat and someone who is ethnically Mongolian, I am a natural nomad.

对大多数普通人来说,吉普赛人的流浪生活充满了神秘的色彩。The nomad existence of the Gypsies is a mystery to a lot of ordinary people.

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作为外交官,又是蒙古族人,我是个天生的游牧者,似乎一生都在不断地履新和离别之间徘徊。Being a diplomat, and an ethnic Mongolian, you might say I am a natural nomad.

在10月12日有两名患病儿童从牧区乘车来到医院。On October 12 two sick children arrived at the hospital in a vehicle from a nomad encampment.

射手座有点游牧民族的因子在里面,那是你非常可爱的品质。There's always a bit of the nomad inside a Sagittarian, and that is a very lovable quality in you.

市民像游牧民族一样,居住的空间不断发生变化。The urban dweller would become a nomad who inhabits a space in constant flux, mutating in real time.

Kian和我,我们都是国际游民,只是我们从西向东迁移,这一点与其他人不同。Like me, Kian is a globalised nomad who engaged in reverse migration, moving from the west to the east.

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本周六,这次巡回比赛将在游牧世界酒吧开幕。This Saturday, the touring competition will bring the sport of imaginary sex acts to the Nomad World Pub.

这一理论进一步解释了我国大部分游牧少数民族也缺乏这种基因的原因,李辉补充道。The theory further explains why a majority of Chinese nomad ethnic minorities also lack the gene, he added.

这种军事解决是为了对伊朗警卫入侵游牧部族,如帕尼。This military settlement was intended to guard Iran against incursions from nomad tribes, such as the Parni.