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而且现在也不会那么容易受骗了。And I’m less gullible now.

现在,你们或许也在纠结于这段历史Now, you might think of this as, indeed, gullible.

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恶作鬼和受骗精请注意!愚人节来啦!Jokers Revel and Gullible Beware! It's April Fools' Day!

康屏的那些忠实听众比奥巴马更容易受骗么?Is his devoted audience more gullible than the President?

那个骗子使许多人上了当。The swindlers had roped into a number of gullible persons.

我想,是幸运之神帮了我,如若不然,就是我遇到了一位好骗的门卫。I guess luck was on my side, either that or a gullible bouncer?

一些链接会引导容易上当受骗的人去卖仿造品的网站。Links used to direct the gullible to a site selling counterfeits.

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如果你真的相信什么食品标签要求,你容易上当。If you actually believe what the food labels claim, you're gullible.

现在“艺术”成为了无能的人的工具用以欺骗那些易上当的人。"Art" has become such a scam run by the talentless for the gullible.

让容易上当的人担心、让爱恶搞的人开心的愚人节又来到了。The day that gullible people dread and pranksters adore is on its way.

我总是非常易于受到欺骗,孩子们都嘲笑我是社交白痴。I was very gullible and children would ridicule me for being socially inept.

这则广告专门针对担心自己肥胖而易受骗的年轻女士。The advertisement is aimed at gullible young women worried about their weight.

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当你认为一个人是值得信赖的,你可能会认为他们容易受骗。When you think of someone who’s trusting, you may assume that they’re gullible.

关键并不在于最终用户容易受骗或者可以被光鲜的“装饰”转移注意力。The point is not that end users are gullible or can be distracted with shiny decorations.

而另外一个极端,也就是鄙人,史上最混沌的历史学家,我的观点是At the other extreme, there's me, the most gullible historian imaginable. My principle is this.

记得马克思夫人燕妮说过,在所有过错中,她最能原谅的是“轻信”。" I remember Ms. Ma Kesi Jenny said, when all the fault, she could forgive the most is "gullible.

一个年轻,愚蠢,容易上当的魔法师在我住的森林中游荡时与我巧遇。A wizard – young, foolish and gullible – wandered across my path in the forest I had made my home.

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在这一集里,卡特曼伪装成一个机器人,哄骗轻信的巴特斯分享他的秘密。In 'AWESOM-O, ' Cartman disguises himself as a robot and persuades gullible Butters to share his secrets.

如果编造一个令人难以置信的幸存故事或一个令人轻信的诡计更适合极端分子的终结的话,那愿意信的人就去信吧。If it suits extremist ends to spin a fantastical tale of survival or trickery to gullible ears, expect to hear it.

记载了新约福音书和信件的耶稣基督的目击者们,并非轻信、虚伪、或是精神错乱之人。The witnesses to Jesus Christ who wrote the New Testament gospels and letters are not gullible or deceitful or demented.