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他不致于做出卑劣和欺骗的事情来。He is above meanness and deceit.

我决不干这种卑鄙的事情。I never descend to such meanness.

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那是说明他为人卑鄙的典型例子。That's a typical illustration of his meanness.

这部小说是关于对错与是非,善良与卑鄙。It is a novel about right and wrong, about kindness and meanness.

这种对待金钱的过分谨慎的态度有时几近于吝啬。This very careful attitude to money can sometimes border on meanness.

所有这些———这一切无穷的痛苦与卑劣,我坐而眺望All these-all the meanness and agony without end I sitting look out upon

我们那时候也有欺凌弱者的事情,不过影响范围却小很多。Meanness happened then too, but the sphere of influence was much smaller.

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我要借用“嘹亮地按喇叭”来作为你的第一条”反刻薄“技巧。I borrowed the phrase "trumpet him melodiously" for your first anti- meanness technique.

好了,他的结论是自己这对眼睛是诚恳的,其中没有小气和卑劣。Well, they were honest eyes, he concluded, and in them was neither smallness nor meanness.

第二次研究则是在250位大学生中寻找抑制解除,冒失和吝啬的适应症。A second study looked for indications of disinhibition, boldness and meanness among 250 college students.

电影给人一种悲愤之中的妖艳之感,这就写作技巧被人们称为“狄更斯式的风格”。There is something voluptuous in the rage inspired by the kind of meanness we are used to calling Dickensian.

它将承受者的伤害与厌恶,痛苦与偏见,卑鄙与疯狂,悲伤与凄惨的重新定义。It is redefined by the bearers of hurt and hate, pain and prejudice, meanness and madness, sorrow and sadness.

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许多讨厌的声音,传得很远,听来却像音乐,对于我们卑贱的生活,这真是一个傲然的可爱的讽刺。Many an irksome noise, go a long way off, is heard as music, a proud, sweet satire on the meanness of our lives.

从中,我学到了,任何人都能获得自信,只要能在卑鄙和愚蠢之间找到强烈的自我感就好。I learned that self-assurance is available to anyone who can develop a strong sense of self in the midst of meanness and stupidity.

贫穷和吝啬是人们都不喜欢的,但是它能通过一些手段避免,但是他们不能逃避。Poverty and meanness are what men dislike, but if they can be avoided only by transgressing the right way, they must not be evaded.

另一种观点认为,人性的卑鄙一面确实在不断滋生壮大──科技进步让人们变得更为龌龊,更加玩世不恭。Others argue that there has been a ratcheting up of meanness -- that the changes in technology have made us nastier and more cynical.

另一种观点认为,人性的卑鄙一面确实在不断滋生壮大──科技进步让人们变得更为龌龊,更加玩世不恭。Others argue that there has been a ratcheting up of meanness -- that the changes in technology have made us nastier and more cynical.

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皮埃尔只是在不停地观看夜空时,才不觉得一切尘世的东西在与他的灵魂所处的高度相比照时,竟然卑微到令人感到受辱的地步。It was only looking at the sky that Pierre forgot the mortifying meanness of all things earthly in comparison with the height his soul had risen to.

在政治中心通过送礼展示慷慨似乎很合适,而我也理解抠门儿和生意成功之间的联系。It seems appropriate that the city of politics is a place of demonstrative gift giving, and I can get the connection between meanness and success in business.

如果我们在我们遇到的人身上看到了卑鄙和小气,那么,最好是确定一下我们自己是否没有使这些品质从我们这里散发出来。If, then, we see meanness and smallness in the people whom we meet, it would be well to ascertain if we ourselves are not causing such qualities to emanate from us.