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大海开始变得波涛起伏。The sea began getting choppy.

所有这些折磨着脑袋,就如小船在大洋风浪中般无助。All these events toss the mind like a boat on a choppy ocean.

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不求爱情波涛汹涌。只求细水长流的小幸福。No love is choppy. But for the small happiness of maintenance.

由于这些伤痛的存在,原本顺畅的舞步很容易就走样成东倒西歪的动作。These injuries can easily turn smooth movements into choppy actions.

用自然步法跑,避免短促的,起伏不定的步法。Try to run with your natural gait, and avoid taking short, choppy strides.

但是我们继续稳定地通过波涛汹涌的水域”他补充道。But we continue to steer a steady course through choppy waters, " he added.

稀少的对话,恢弘的场面,这部电影在观众心里挥之不去。With sparse dialogue, and a choppy plot, the movie is unrelenting on its audiences.

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大卫和露西坐在渔船船头,凝望着烟波浩淼的水面。David and Lucy sat in the prow of the fishing boat and looked across the choppy water.

达美航空高管称经济形势"震荡",航空业因此备受煎熬.The industry is groping its way through what Delta executives called a "choppy" economy.

今天在日月湾的浪有胸高但是有很多的浪都是扣掉的。Today at Riyuewan we had sectiony chest high waves with choppy conditions from the wind.

有些走下海滩走到海浪的边缘,试着跃过波涛起伏的海面跳到岩礁上。Some walked down to the edge of the waves, trying to skip rocks across the choppy surface.

以毫秒为单位,多长时间轮询一次鼠标位置。减少此值可减少不连贯的行为。How often to poll the mouse position, in miliseconds. Reduce this to reduce choppy behavior.

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如同金融危机后通常发生的情况那样,我们日益明显地看到,本轮复苏的进展将是曲折的。As is often the case after a financial crisis, this recovery is turning out to be a choppy one.

在这里几个强有力的船桨推动船在波涛汹涌的河流中前进。That's an event in which several powerful strokers propel the boat forward through choppy waters.

一位法国救援者说,他在飘满肢体和残骸的水面上发现了这名14岁女孩。A French rescuer said he had spotted the 14-year-old-girl in choppy waters amid bodies and wreckage.

水面越是平稳,水墙将越高,波涛汹涌的水面形成的水墙反倒较矮。The smoother and less choppy the water's surface, the more uniformly high the wall of water will be.

这使盲人摆脱了过去那种断断续续、延迟频频的网上浏览方式,享受到连贯、迅速的网上经历。A seamless, swift Web-browsing experience for the blind replaces one that was choppy and full of delays.

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经过短暂的震荡,中美关系会恢复到正常的波动,但不会伤及根本。After a squall briefly roils the waters, relations revert to their usual choppy but unthreatening passage.

原本平静的喷泉水变得汹涌起来。The weather is now stormy and brooding, and the placid waters of the fountain have become choppy and angry.

基金经理表示,他们预计今年金价将宽幅震荡.Fund managers, meanwhile, said they expect the yellow metal to remain choppy and trade in a wide range in 2009.