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这已经开创了公开叫价。This has created a public outcry.

每当我们改变它,我都要强烈抗议。Whenever we change it, I have an outcry.

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一声喊叫响彻夜空。An outcry went pealing through the night.

至今,公众的呼声均被迫消音。So far, the public outcry has been muted.

那男孩的第一声惨叫是一声惨笑The boy's first outcry was a rueful laugh

我们强烈要求南北对话。We raise an outcry for north-south dialogue.

但是房价下降同样引起了一些抗议。But the price drops have also prompted some outcry.

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在强烈抗议下,高尔顿很快放弃了这个想法。Such was the outcry that Galton soon dropped the idea.

由于遭遇到强烈抗议,高尔顿很快打消了这个念头。Such was the outcry that Galton soon dropped the idea.

母鸡大吵大叫地朝他扑打过来。The mother ptarmigan beat about him with great outcry.

从没有人对此提出抗议,因为可的松是合法的。There was never any outcry about that because cortisone is legal.

人们强烈抗议工业迅猛增长所带来的一系列恶果。There was an outcry against the concomitants of industrial growth.

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公众的强烈反应表明,人们意识到人性正在丧失。The public outcry shows people are aware of the dehumanisation process.

所以对这男孩的资料来说,突然面临一种公然的叫嚣反对,这是不公正的。It is so with this iniquitous boy literature and the sudden outcry against it.

现在,经过自由派的大声疾呼,总统的立场又动摇了,正如他一贯食言的那样。Now, after an outcry by liberals, the president is dithering—his default mode.

由于泰国民情激愤,两国政府都派兵驻守该地区。A public outcry in Thailand caused both governments to send troops to the area.

在舆论为之哗然的三天之后,22岁的本·阿莫被当局释放。Ben Amor, 22, was released by authorities after a public outcry three days later.

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我们理解并感谢公众对于学术不端行为的强烈指责。We understand and appreciate the public outcry against the scientific misconducts.

哪位总统在公众面前揪着狗耳朵提起他的米格鲁狗,引起一片哗然?What president caused public outcry when he picked up his beagle puppies by the ears?

信德省的部长凯姆。沙阿星期二讲了话以回应众怒。Sindh's chief minister, Qaim Ali Shah, spoke Tuesday in reaction to the public outcry.