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我可以为他作保。I can sponsor him.

谁是你的经济担保人?Who is your sponsor ?

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他有一或两位赞助人。He had a sponsor or two.

他的担保人快死了吗?Was his sponsor oIlhis last legs?

助养一名孩子的年期需要多久?For how long do I sponsor a child?

赞助商以不付款为要挟。The sponsor threatened not to pay up.

年册赞助广告费,可自由选择。Sponsor advertisement fee is optional.

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研究院主办14种学术刊物。The AMSS sponsor 14 academic journals.

谢谢您。谁是您的担保人,或邀请者?Thank you. Who is your sponsor or host ?

他们同时也是一个全国性组织“睡过头”的赞助人。They also sponsor a national "sleep in."

你什么时候被介绍给你的担保人?When were you introduced to your sponsor?

你什么时候被介绍给你的担保人?When were you introduced zo your sponsor?

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让我们来赞助一个赛车队来证明这一点。Let's sponsor a car-racing team to prove it.

向你的派遣扶輪社索取數面社旗。Obtain banners from your sponsor Rotary club.

被委托人应是投资主办单位职工。The client shall be the employee of the sponsor.

本文件解释权归主办单位。This document shall be interpreted by the sponsor.

唔知你地愿唔愿意带我返屋企又或者助养我呢?。Would you bring me home or would you sponsor for me?

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挑好了地方,他们还必须找一位赞助人。Having chosen an area, they still had to find a sponsor.

本论文紧紧围绕公司发起人这个中心展开。This paper is written surrounding company sponsor closely.

担保金必须由赞助人签署。A sponsorship bond is required to be signed by the sponsor.