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MITE的一个关键成份是实习科目。A key component of MITE is the practicum.

若干学生达到了其托福的实习要求。Several students met their TEOFL practicum requirements.

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这个实践课程遵循行动分享研究模型,学生们将与劳伦斯社区工作公司成员并肩工作。Rather the practicum follows a participatory action research model whereby students work hand-in-hand with LCW members.

在新加坡学习期间,去过大部分的新加坡的伊顿学校。并且于717伊顿学校和乌节路伊顿国际学校做过实习。When Lucy was in Singapore, she visited lots of Eton House pre-schools and did the practicum in 717 and Orchard Eton House.

这一课程还包括实习,让学生有机会去实践他们的技能和经验。This diploma program includes a practicum which will allow the student to practice their skills, and experience the Spa environment first hand.

本实习课的重点是运用永续发展原理改善佛山市中心河滨地区的生活品质与活动。This practicum focuses on applying the principles of sustainability to improve the quality of life and activity along the Foshan downtown riverfront.

教育实习是高师教育中的重在环节,针对高师院校教育实习存在的问题,提出了解决这些问题的措施。Teaching practicum is an important link in teachers'college education. Problems in teaching practicum exist and measures to solve them are put forward.

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本文目的在了解学生在托儿所实习中所遭遇的困扰问题及解决途径。This paper aims to explore the annoyances that NTCN's students confront in their two semesters of practicum in child-care centers, and to consider solutions.

许多艺术管理专业包括学生作为志愿者或职员在艺术或文化机构实习以获得实践经验。Many arts administration programs include a practicum in which the student volunteers or works in an arts or cultural organization to gain practical experience.

并针对Y技术学院幼儿保育系学生及其实习合作机构对幼儿教保实习制度认知态度偏好进行问卷调查,回收有效问卷为383份。By using questionnaire survey, this study gathered the responses of 383 Y College to analyze their preferences toward early child care and educational practicum.

幼儿保育实习指导教师对现行实习制度所提出的建议包含实习时间延长、学生自行选择实习机构、与实习时间点的选择等。The suggestions regarding present practicum system were extending the length of practicum, student's own selection of practicum institutions, and the timing of practicum.

本文简单地介绍了反思教学的基本理论以及如何在英语教学实习中运用反思教学以促进英语实习教师的职业发展。With a brief analysis of theory of reflective teaching, the paper illustrates how to apply this theory to the practicum thus to extend novice English teachers profession.

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应届本科毕业生可否在工作经历表格内填写本人在实习期间或暑假期间的一些社会活动?May I, as a recent graduate from bachelor's degree studies, put in my practicum and extra-curriculum social activities in the Work Experience section of the application form?

MDA的140个实习多媒体作者是附属课程,以满足所需的一般教育类一,二,三,四和多样性的要求。MDA 140 Practicum in Multimedia Authorship is affiliated with courses that meet the requirements for General Education Categories I, II, III, IV and the diversity requirement.

报名参加的学生在指定的核心级和2实习单位使用的内容,核心级的灵感和来源的多媒体作品。Participating students enroll in a designated core class and a 2-unit practicum that uses the content of the core class as an inspiration and source for multimedia authorship.

包括教学实践,接受反馈,观察他人教学,给出意见。同时在他人教学过程中辅助学生。Practicum. Includes practice teaching, receiving feedback, observing others teaching and teaching, giving feedback. Also includes assisting students while someone else is teaching.

基于此一理念,本学院的同学们,会有更多的校外实习的机会,藉由实习的的媒介,优秀的同学们,可以更早一步受到社会的欢迎。With such a conviction in mind, we provide students in this college with more opportunities of practicum off campus, expecting that they will be recognized by society in due course.

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另一方面校方也配合企业,修改课程,使技职教育中的实务实习课程由过去的校内课堂实习,转变为校外业界现场的实习。On the other hand, schools modify courses to transform practicum in classrooms into practicum in industries. In other words, teaching of sandwich course connects theory and practice.

我们过去的实习课当中也有许多同学运用纪录片的制作,来呈现学习的内容。In the past years, we also witness more and more films produced by students of the practicum of urban planning and community design as outcomes of their practices and interaction with communities.

最后并提出对师资培育的课程规划、「教育实习」课程教学的建议,以及师院生专业成长的参考。Several suggestions are recommended for designing teachers college curriculum in general and students' practicum course in particular, aiming for promoting pre-service students' professional growth.