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"美国偶像"是英国真人秀节目"流行偶像"的美国版。The show is a spinoff of the British show Pop Idol.

它衍生的科技用途将无穷无尽。The possibilities of spinoff technologies are endless.

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日本的宝矿力水是一款相当收欢迎的饮料,上图那东西则是同一公司旗下的另一款产品。This is actually a spinoff of a popular Japanese drink called Pocari Sweat.

这次剥离的象征意义要大于其有限的规模所带来的实际意义。The spinoff is symbolically more significant than its modest size would suggest.

在历峰的剥离中,高盛集团和第一兰特银行是顾问银行。Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and FirstRand Bank Ltd. advised Richemont on the spinoff.

一种叫做泰泽的盈利性附带产生的组织就采纳了这种赞助性的在线网络组织模式。A for-profit spinoff called Tyze has taken the concept of supportive networks online.

有时,机会可能不在分拆而是在母公司的股票。Opportunities can sometimes arise not in the spinoff but in the parent-company shares.

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吴亦兵说,可以利用美元基金把某家外资公司剥离出来的资产引入中国。Mr. Wu said that dollars could be used to bring a spinoff or spinout of a foreign company into China.

李艾科表示可能剥离个人电脑业务,同时又说惠普实际上有可能按兵不动,这更是增加了不确定性。While suggesting a spinoff was likely, he added to the uncertainty when he said that H-P might, in fact, do nothing.

就像经济地方化的其它形式,放弃浪漫的空中飞行恋爱会带来许多意想不到的好处。Like other forms of economic localization, the decision to swear off Orbitz romance creates important spinoff benefits.

该公司将只会处理剥离民用产品和技术,而且不会占用制造业。The company would deal only with the spinoff products and technologies meant for civilian use but will not take up manufacturing.

不可否认,自8月中旬惠普宣布将探讨剥离个人电脑业务以来,该公司每天都在往回找补。Admittedly since H-P announced in mid-August it was exploring a spinoff of the PC business, it has backtracked a little every day.

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这个名单在今年为时四周的电视系列中被削减到七个,这也显示出伟大的设计。These were whittled down to a shortlist of seven over the four-week run of the House of the Year TV series – a spinoff of popular show Grand Designs.

阿韦拉汽车公司,一个主流工程公司的附属公司,一家位于佛罗里达的能源转换产品的开发商,也希望利用肯尼迪的动荡。Avera Motors, a 2009 spinoff from Mainstream Engineering, a Florida-based developer of energy conversion products, also hopes to capitalize on the ferment at Kennedy.

CNET在此后开发了一个更加先进的页面投递系统-StoryServer,它被应用于CNET,、search.com和news.com的新版网站。CNET has since developeda more sophisticated page-delivery system, Story Server, which powers CNET andthe newer spinoff sites of,, and

韦斯称,正是因为如此,康菲公司的拆分更合理,因为与低价出售下游资产相比,成立一家独立的炼油厂显然更符合股东利益。That's why Conoco's spinoff makes sense, says Weiss, because it's better for shareholders to create a standalone refining company then sell downstream assets too cheaply.

CNET在此后开发了一个更加先进的页面投递系统-StoryServer,它被应用于CNET,、search.com和news.com的新版网站。CNET has since developed a more sophisticated page-delivery system, Story Server, which powers CNET and the newer spinoff sites of,, and

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惠普公司周四宣布,他们计划继续保留其个人计算机部门,这是在最近关于对该部门进行拆分或出售的面对面的讨论时,由其新首席执行官梅格惠特曼做出的第一个大胆决策。Thursday's announcement that it plans to keep its personal computing division is an about-face from recent talk of a sale or spinoff — and a bold first move by CEO Meg Whitman.

布拉德利承认,惠普的竞争对手通过与其客户交谈,试图利用惠普8月18日宣布考虑剥离个人电脑业务所产生的不确定性。Mr. Bradley acknowledged that competitors, in talking to customers, have tried to exploit the uncertainty caused by H-P's Aug. 18 announcement that it was considering a spinoff.

提高美国商业航天工业将创造数千个新的高技术工作岗位并且能派生出其他新兴行业,这些行业将寻求利用新的和可行的优势来开发太空。An enhanced U.S.commercial space industry could create thousands of new high-tech jobs and spinoff other new businesses that will seek to take advantage of new and affordableaccess to space.