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它会返回给我一种表示。It gives me back a representation.

部件的视图表达方法。Representation methods of views of parts.

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这也是D8的一些时政性的表现。This is D8 some political representation.

欺骗性的或两面派的手法。A fraudulent or duplicitous representation.

表示四维向量。Representation of four-dimensional vectors.

传回的值仍会保留静态型别。Type runtime representation of a static type.

用于数表示的任何一种记法。Any notation for the representation of numbers.

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有向图有简单的图形表示。Digraphs have a simple pictorial representation.

极具戏剧性的表现了战争的一个方面This is a pretty dramatic representation of war.

学习装配图的表达方法。Master representation methods of assembly drawing.

仅仅改革代表性和增资还是不够的。Representation and resources alone are not enough.

表象是意志客体化的结果。Representation is the objectification of the will.

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脚踏实地的陈述极少,甚至根本没有。There is little or no ground-level representation.

这是性行为的完美阐释。What a perfect representation of performative sex.

萨维尔街是欧洲文化的象征。Savile Row is a representation of European culture.

数按某一数制的一种表示。A representation of a number in a numeration system.

我希望你们在中国代表权问题上跟我们共同行动。I hope come along with us on Chinese representation.

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因此,图像需要一些基于内容的表示。So an image needs some content-based representation.

对地球表面的图形表示。A diagrammatic representation of the earth's surface.

甚至还有通过非图形化的表格来体现。There is even a non-graphical tabular representation.