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我太疲倦了。I'm too bally tired.

是谁制造了这种可恶的东西?Who created the bally thing?

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我可不想要你那种肥猪脸!I don't want any bally cheek from you!

在我上大学的时候,我就成为了倍力俱乐部的会员。When I was in college I became a member of Bally 's.

在我上大学的时候,我就成为了倍力俱乐部的会员。S. When I was in college I became a member of Bally 's.

倍力健身俱乐部是北美最大的健身俱乐部。Bally Total Fitness is the largest health club in North America.

请在俱乐部员工的协助下使用器械。Equipment is to be used only under the supervision of bally staff.

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上海蓓靓实业是上海知名服装企业。Shanghai BALLY & LUSSO Enterprise is a famous garment company of Shanghai.

本俱乐部非常乐意展示KH的电视表演“摇滚芭蕾”。The club is please to present the TV version of the KH, Toilet Rocks Bally.

转化酶活性和总可溶性糖含量与产量相关性达到显著或极显著。The yield and invertase activity and con tent of total soluble sugar was marked or bally marked.

位于青岛奥林匹克帆船中心百丽广场内的青岛百老汇影院5月15日正式亮相啦!Broadway Qingdao Cinema, located at Bally plaza within Qingdao Olympic sailing center, will officially open on 15th May.

我想购买巴利手提包。请只的真诚和真正的供应商的报价寄给我,尽快。I would like to purchase Bally Handbag. Please only the sincere and genuine suppliers send me quotation as soon as possible.

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可以说前台就是整个倍力健身俱乐部。因为通常情况下,我们的会议都是在接触前台工作人员。The front desk staff is Bally Total Fitness, because these are the only employees many of our members interact with on a regular basis.

预计到今年年底,有二十个国家将会使用这项环球花生剥皮器以及其他来自够胆量项目中的技术。By the end of this year, twenty countries would will be using the Universal Nut Sheller and other technologies from the four full bally Belly Project.

蓓靓服饰以创新的理念、过硬的质量、良好的信誉、完善的售后服务立足于制服行业。BALLY &LUSSO garment has been rooted in the uniform market through its innovated concept, high-class quality, good reputation and perfect after-sales service.

但是直到他为旗下一位艺人的宣传举办一场肚皮舞大赛,科普兰才意识到美国有肚皮舞的跟随者。我们有来自美国各地的180名肚皮舞舞者。But it was not until Copeland held the a bally dance contest to promote one of the artists he manages that he realized bally dance has a following in United States.

巴利的哲学是以固有的传统技术,加上现今科技技术融合,将皮料精细地表现出匠心独运的效果。The philosophy of Bally is to combine their existing techniques and craftsmanship together with new technology so as to show their uniqueness in making leather shoes.

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最近,通过与中体产业公司的合作,倍力公司开始往中国引进其在健身行业各个领域中长达40年的经验。In cooperation with the China Sports Industry, Bally has recently started to bring to China its forty years experience of providing comprehensive health and fitness services.

穿过小城就是倍力健身俱乐部,一家比较有名气的俱乐部,位于金融区的中心地带,它于九年前开张,充当了当地政府和美国伙伴关系的中间人。Across town is Bally Total Fitness, a swank gym in the heart of the financial district that opened nine years ago as a partnership between the local government and a U. S. chain.

基恩于1969年取得西北大学的数学博士,并于1976至1986年间在芝加哥担任巴利制造公司的工程副总裁。Keane received a Ph. D. in mathematics from Northwestern University in 1969. From 1976 to 1986 he was vice president for engineering at Bally Manufacturing Corporation in Chicago.