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那是一个酷热的日子。The day was a scorcher.

昨天热得像火炉一样。What a scorcher it was yesterday!

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看来今天又热得像火炉了。Looks like another scorcher today.

看来今天我们又要度过热死人的一天。Looks like we're in for another scorcher today.

天太热了,所以老板让我们大家早点儿回家。The day was such a scorcher that the boss let us all go home early.

迈克尔·埃辛准备在周六用一个世界波来让弗爵爷尝尝刺激的感觉。MICHAEL ESSIEN aims to put a rocket up Fergie on Sunday by scoring with a scorcher.

同时,马斯切拉诺他的25码远射为利物浦扳平比分的喜悦。Meanwhile, Mascherano spoke of his delight after his 25 yard scorcher drew Liverpool level.

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去年一月,英国气象局宣布,它认为今年的确将是创纪录的大热天。Last January, the Met Office announced that it believed this year would, indeed, be a record scorcher.

不过是在另一场欧洲赛场上的比赛中,他对老东家里斯本竞技最后一分钟的决杀,让他荣获月度金球奖。But it was another goal in Europe – his last-minute scorcher against former club Sporting Lisbon – that landed him the November Goal of the Month prize.

但是莫斯科和雅库茨克这两个冰雪罩盖的城市竟然有40度的温差,就像英国最冷的冬天和西班牙南部七月炙热的炎夏相比。But the 40C difference in temperature between the two snow-clad cities is as great as that between the coldest winter day in Britain and a sunny July scorcher in the south of Spain.