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我们为设计的严密而惊叹。We marveled at the closeness of the design.

我再也无法忍受阁楼的窒闷了。I can't stand the closeness of the attic anymore.

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而性活动则能给他们亲近感和安全感。Having sex helps them feel that closeness and security.

彼此吸引与亲近感结合,就产生了爱情。Romantic love is when attraction and closeness are combined.

闷热,兽群的骚动和迫近,突然压得他喘不过气来。The heat, the closeness of the herd, was suddenly overwhelming.

彼此吸引但没有亲密感,是迷恋。Attraction without closeness is more like a crush or infatuation.

真可怕,我们在一部警匪剧里谈感情问题。Scarily, we are talking about emotional closeness. On a cop show.

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接近一条鲨鱼,和它的大小,增加了拍摄的戏剧性的效果。The closeness of one of the sharks, and its size, adds to the drama.

这种方向性由于电源密封式是很难显而易见。Its directivity is hardly noticeable due to the closeness of the sources.

有时神会故意退隐,让我们感受不到他的同在。Sometimes God intentionally draws back, and we don't sense his closeness.

他以与吴氏关系亲疏建立了一套等级制度。He has created a hierarchy largely determined by closeness to the Wu clan.

琼娜和玛利亚年纪相仿,立即成为好友。Sor Juana and Maria became intimate friends, due to their closeness in age.

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所以,嘴对嘴的接触有亲近,信任和亲密的历史。So, mouth to mouth attachment has a history of intimacy, trust and closeness.

两性之间的亲昵极具迷惑性,这指出了一条爱与亲密的捷径。Sexual intimacy can be deceptive, suggesting a short cut to love and closeness.

我指的这种亲密关系是不需要有血缘或遗传关系的。This closeness that I refer to doesn’t necessarily have to do with blood or genetics.

盆景之美就在于此,让人在方寸之间体味到与自然景物的亲近。That's the beauty of bonsais. The miniature gives people a feeling of closeness to nature.

这些诗的特征是,即使对细微的事物,也加以密切关注。The feature of these poems was the closeness of attention devoted even to trifling things.

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创新和贴近客户是隐形冠军最大的优势,他们是价值导向而非价格导向。Innovativeness and closeness to customer are the greatest strengths of the Hidden Champions.

许多人逃避我,并极力地否定我的存在,因为我的存在让他们恐惧。Many people run from Me and vehemently deny My existence, because My closeness terrifies them.

在住宅的前侧,封闭的空间创造了私密性和受遮蔽的走廊。The closeness of the space creates an intimate and sheltered gallery at the front of the house.