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人民检察院决定是否批准逮捕。A People's Procuratorate decides whether or not to approve arrest.

乌检察院指控季莫申科在俄乌2009年签署供气合同时越权。Wu's Procuratorate accused Tymoshenko signed in Ewu 2009 gas contract ultra vires.

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法院和检察院的执法水平又有明显提高。The law-enforcement level of the court and procuratorate has been raised remarkably.

耀州区人民检察院因涉嫌诈骗批准逮捕了她们。Yao, the District People's Procuratorate approved the arrest on suspicion of fraud them.

检察机关作为专门的法律监督机关,是公共利益的代言人。As the department of legal supervision, the Procuratorate is the deputy of public-benefit.

当地检察院还曾经认为对陈满的判决“太轻”,要求对陈满执行死刑。The local procuratorate deemed the sentence "too light" and called for Chen to be executed.

人民检察院应当将复查决定告知被害人。The People's Procuratorate shall notify the victim of its decision made after reexamination.

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浦东新区人民检察院以涉嫌猥亵儿童罪批准了这一逮捕。The Pudong New Area People's Procuratorate approved the arrest on charges of child molestation.

第一百八十六条人民检察院提出抗诉的案件,人民法院应当再审。Article 186 Cases protested by the people's procuratorate shall be retried by the people's court.

我不知,检察院或法院有没有对杨佳重新做司法鉴定。I don't know if the Procuratorate or the court have re-sought expert testimony on Yang Jia or not.

人民检察院提出抗诉的案件,人民法院应当再审。The people's court shall conduct a trial denovo of a case protested by the people's procuratorate.

锡勋去检查院把崔珉宇救了出来,崔珉宇的心情很受打击,认为自己害死了正泰。Tin schoenberg to procuratorate Cui Min yu saved, Cui Min yus mood very hit, think they kill chint.

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民事诉讼中人民检察院的抗诉问题是民事诉讼法研究的一个重要问题。Protest of the people's procuratorate is an important issue in research on the civil procedural law.

新加坡的国家机构主要由国会、总统、内阁、法院、总检察厅等构成。Singapore's national institutions are mainly congress, the president, cabinet, court, procuratorate.

区检察院还针对未成年人暴力犯罪上升的趋势,加强预防工作。Jingan District Procuratorate has enhanced the prevention for the upward trend of the minors' crimes.

近日,该男子因涉嫌敲诈勒索罪被萝岗区检察院批准逮捕。Recently, the man has been arrested for extortion Luogang District Procuratorate approved the arrest.

一个月后,沈阳市检察院以涉嫌故意杀人罪将丽丽批捕。A month later, Shenyang People's Procuratorate to the Gourami arrest suspected voluntary manslaughter.

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最高人民法院和最高人民检察院作出司法解释。The Supreme People's Court and prosecuting body the Supreme People's Procuratorate issued an explanation.

有关主管机关应当将处理结果及时通知人民检察院。The competent organ shall, without delay, inform the People's Procuratorate of how it has handled the case.

辩护律师会见犯罪嫌疑人时,人民检察院不派员在场。During the interview, the people's procuratorate shall not assign any prosecutorial personnel to be present.