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然而,这些研究采用的都是经皮痛觉过敏模型。However, these studies have been performed using cutaneous models of hyperalgesia.

在以往的病例中,痛觉过敏可以在非疼痛性感觉强度仍然很低的情况下出现。In the former case, hyperalgesia should occur when intensity of non-painful sensations is still low.

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结论喷他佐辛可以预防瑞芬太尼麻醉术后痛觉过敏。Conclusion Pentazocine can prevent postoperative hyperalgesia induced by remifentanilbased anesthesia.

由CFA导致的热痛敏的高峰出现在注射后2-6小时,并持续约2周左右。The thermal hyperalgesia peaks in 2 to 6 hr and persists more than 2 wks after peripheral injection of CFA.

这些结果进一步说明VR1在炎症性热痛敏的形成中起着非常重要的作用。All these results suggested that VR1 is critical for the expression of inflammation-induced heat hyperalgesia.

然而发现,健侧手的适应程度和痛觉过敏存在明显的相关性。However, significant correlation was found with the extent of adaptation and hyperalgesia on the unaffected hand.

要证明此假说必须首先证明GDNF的表达变化与痛觉过敏有关联。To improve this hypothesis we must make sure that the expression change of GDNF in DRGs is related to hyperalgesia.

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周围组织和神经受到损伤引起自发性疼痛、触刺激诱发痛和痛觉过敏等慢性痛症状。Peripheral tissue and nerve injury lead to chronic pain symptoms, including spontaneous pain, allodynia and hyperalgesia.

扩张压力使高敏感消化不良患者出现痛觉过敏,同时也诱发强烈的非痛性感觉。Hyperalgesia occurs in hypersensitive dyspeptic patients at distending pressures that also induce intense non-painful sensations.

预先镇痛是通过防止中枢敏感化来降低伤害性刺激引起的痛觉过敏和异常痛觉。The concept of preemptive analgesia is to decrease the incidence of hyperalgesia and allodynia by reducing central sensitization.

因此,许多研究人员在寻求新的止痛药方时,都会把解除痛觉过敏及异位疼痛列入优先考量。Many researchers, therefore, have amelioration of hyperalgesia and allodynia foremost in their minds as they hunt for new analgesics.

高密度压痛阈值标测技术将有助于研究肌肉痛觉过敏及其异质性的特点。The technique of high density pressure pain topographical mappings can be helpful in characterizing muscle hyperalgesia and its heterogeneity.

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结论NO参与神经损伤后脊髓后角内痛觉调制,提示NO在痛觉过敏、异常疼痛产生机制中发挥重要作用。Conclusion NO is involved in nociceptive transmission at the spinal cord following nerve injury and it may result in hyperalgesia and allodynia.

结论杜仲腰痛丸有减轻非机械压迫性髓核对神经根损伤后所导致的机械痛觉过敏,提高痛阈的作用。Conclusion Duzhonhyaotong pill can lighten that the non-compressive nucleus pulposus protrusion cause mechanical hyperalgesia and heighten pain threshold.

NR2B亚型阻滞剂在神经元保护、镇痛、抗药物依赖、抗帕金森病等方面表现了潜力。The NR2B antagonists have shown the potential in neuronal protection and prophylaxis of hyperalgesia , drug-dependence and Parkinson's diseases in rodent models.

此病例在创伤后双侧上肢遭受痛觉过度敏感、肿胀与僵硬,多种药物治疗效果不彰。A case with trauma history suffered from hyperalgesia , swelling and stiffness over bilateral upper extremities, numerous medications treatments were unsuccessful.

超前镇痛是通过防止外周和中枢敏化来降低伤害性刺激引起的痛觉过敏和痛觉异常的一种镇痛方法。Preemptive analgesia is one of the analgesia measures which decreases the incidence of hyperalgesia and allodynia by reducing peripheral and central sensitization.

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一方面,外周神经压迫损伤后,初级传入神经元释放的P物质,谷氨酸等疼痛介质增加,诱发痛觉过敏。On the one hand, after nerve compression, the afferent neurons increase the release of substance P, Glutanic acid and other pain transmitters, which will induce hyperalgesia.

炎症时释放的许多炎症介质都能够与TRPV1发生相互作用,产生疼痛或痛觉过敏,并且通过各种不同的信号通路来调制TRPV1的活性。In inflammatory pain, a number of inflammatory mediators are released, which modulate TRPV1 activity through various signal pathways or interact with TRPV1 generating pain or hyperalgesia.

因此对疼痛发病机制,尤其是分子生物学机制的认识将为我们寻找新的疼痛靶向治疗方法提供希望。Clinical manifestations include hyperalgesia and allodynia. However further understanding of pain mechanism, especially molecular mechanism will help us find the new target therapy for pain.