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你可能听过这样一场论战。You've heard the controversy.

这也是争议所在。And that's where that controversy is.

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这次访问也不无争议。The visit was not without controversy.

我本人也就这个争论写了一篇文章。I wrote an article about the controversy.

冯·哈根斯对争议并不陌生。Von Hagens is no stranger to controversy.

我并没有在这场争论中偏袒任何一方。I am not taking sides in this controversy.

防晒剂保护的争议已经升温。Sunscreen protection controversy heats up.

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威廉。丹皮尔的一生颇受争议。William Dampier led a life of controversy.

皮尔里的要求饱受争议。Peary's claim was surrounded by controversy.

但仍难逃诘难。Still, the film has not escaped controversy.

当然,这些申请中还是饱含争议的。Controversy is, of course, part of the appeal.

无论怎样的论辩也不能抹煞他的这一历史影响。No controversy will erase the historic impact.

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他的演说引起了许多物议。His speech was creative of a lot of controversy.

这就开始了足球的“高海拔辩论”。So began football's "high altitude controversy".

但是这种飞毛腿的使用却出现了一些争议。But there is some controversy over the legs’ use.

中国已在试图平息这一日趋严重的争议。China has sought to calm the growing controversy.

他从没有想到这回引起如此的争议。He never imagined the controversy it would cause.

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Humphrey的谈话甚至激起了更激烈的辩论。Humphrey's talk stirred up even more controversy.

你是怎样看待这场持续的争论呢?What do you think about this ongoing controversy?

对候选人争议不大。There wasn't much controversy over the candidates.