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重定向到下一个网页。Redirect to the next page.

这条链接需要重定向了。This one needs a redirect.

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将请求重定向到文件。Redirect requests to a file.

将请求重定向到程序。Redirect requests to a program.

将请求重定向到网络共享。Redirect requests to a network share.

光学转换可以让我们对光重新定向。TO lets us redirect light and re-route it.

服务器辅助的客户端重定向概述Overview of server-assisted client redirect

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标准的输出正如是当做容易的重新传入。Standard output is just as easy to redirect.

人员定岗,和分流工作,正在进行。The work to redirect redundant staff is underway.

使用服务器辅助的客户端重定向的时机和方式When and how to use server-assisted client redirect

如果需要,可以选择重定向容器You may choose to redirect the containers if desired

登录到远程计算机时重定向本地驱动器。Redirect local drives when logged on to the remote computer.

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这意味着您可以将输出重新定向到远程命令。This means that you can redirect output to a remote command.

决定您想使用哪种方式后,使用301重定向一个到另一个上面。Decide which you want to use and 301 redirect the other to it.

移动工具操纵器出现在重定向的操纵器上。The Move tool manipulator appears on the redirect manipulator.

有时电脑网站甚至有可能不会重定向到移动盘!Sometimes the PC site may not even redirect to the mobile site!

同时它也提供了文件大小、重定向速度和DNS的数据。It also provides numbers on file sizes, redirect speed, and DNS.

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注册一个国际域名并且指向你的网志。Register a domain name with your name and redirect to your blog.

管道允许您将一个命令的输出重定向到另一个命令。Pipes allow you to redirect output from one command into another.

选择重定向会将您的数据库置于恢复挂起状态。Choosing redirect will put your database in restore pending state.