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所以,你二十岁了?So you’re twenty?

二十年前?Twenty years ago?

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你的意思是在二十岁还是在三十六岁?You mean at twenty?

二十个剃的光光的后脑勺。Twenty shaved heads.

五十元太贵了,给你二十元好了。I'll give you twenty.

让我们来数一到十五。Let's count one to twenty.

二十岁青春已不会再至。Twenty will not comr again.

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大约二千万美元。About twenty million dollars.

二十加一等于二十一。Twenty and one is twenty-one.

下周日我就二十岁了。I shall be twenty next Sunday.

“是谁?是谁?”有一二十人问道。Who? Who?" from twenty voices."

8和20的公约数是4。Eight and twenty cancel by four.

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我的女儿还没满二十岁。My daughter is not quite twenty.

须照表附加二十元。Please add twenty dollars extra.

那只有二十分钟的路程。That's only twenty minutes away.

该船下沉二十英寻。The ship sank in twenty fathoms.

二十年光阴,弹指一挥间。Twenty years is not a long time.

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时间往前倒退20年。Well, fast forward twenty years.

好,现在把时间向前快速拉过20年。Well, fast forward twenty years.

乘务组有二十个成员。The crew includes twenty members.