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然后执行交换。I then perform the swap.

仅执行这些步骤。Perform only these steps.

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我须作一次旅行。I have a journey to perform.

我在渔人码头表演,I perform at Fisherman's Wharf,

服务所能执行的操作。What operations it can perform.

我从事康复护理。I perform rehabilitation nursing.

他们需要傲气来表现自己。And they need that ego to perform.

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表演一分钟的特技组合。Perform a minute-long Stunt Combo.

每个人都应该尽责任。Everyone should perform his duties.

我将会表演新疆舞。I will perform Xinjiang Folk Dance.

我喜欢看这个舞队的表演。I enjoy watching this group perform.

那么,您如何执行该步骤呢?So, how do you perform this process?

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中D班的小朋友在等待表演红歌哦!Middle D kids are waiting to perform.

执行一些欺诈核查分析。Perform some fraud-checking analysis.

执行操作系统升级。Perform the operating system upgrade.

单击执行全库恢复。Click Perform Whole Database Recovery.

执行塔里克空气刺杀。Perform an Air Assassination on Tarik.

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获取操作数并执行运算。Get operands and perform the operation.

我只是一直渴望唱歌和表演。I only ever wanted to sing and perform.

训练有素的马队斜步行进表演马戏。The trained horses sashayed to perform.