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行动十年将有助于减少这种不必要的生命损失。The Decade can help thwart this needless loss of life.

请不要阻止他,否则他会拆了房子。Please don't thwart him , or he will be killing the ceil.

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这将会带着一个正面的冲突,决定反对任何的伊朗-风格政府。S. authorities, who are determined to thwart any Iranian-style government.

沙特阻遏伊朗地区野心的意图在黎巴嫩最为明显。The Saudi intent to thwart Iran's regional ambitions is clearest in Lebanon.

手机芯片的安全新比信用卡要好,他如此说道。Secure chips in handsets thwart fraud better than credit cards, he contended.

新的信用卡有许多特徵,是设计用来防止伪造的。The new credit cards have many features which are designed to thwart forgers.

这就可以解释为什么一些病原体能够侵袭人类的免疫系统。This could explain why some pathogens are able to thwart the human immune system.

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有些人刷牙象拉锯,也就是横着刷。The some people brushes teeth the elephant pulls to saw, and also be thwart brush.

但将军们一定会尽他们最大的努力来阻止他信的复辟。But the generals will surely do their damnedest to thwart a Thaksinite restoration.

疲弱的就业市场可能伤及消费者信心,并进一步损及楼市.A weak job market could thwart housing activity further by denting consumer confidence.

讨论了它们对船艇阻力性能的影响,为运动员配艇和舱位的调整奠定了基础。A basis was provided for the allocation of athletes and the adjustment of thwart position.

我曾经的部分同事甚至说,公司确有一个体系,不过那是阻碍创新的体系。Some of my former colleagues argue that it actually developed a system to thwart innovation.

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新转会规则可能让巴罗什离开维拉转投汉堡的愿望落空。A new transfer fee ruling could thwart Milan Baros' hopes of leaving Aston Villa for Hamburg.

到1840年,英国成功地阻止了其他国家,逐渐掌握了整个国家的统治权。The English managed to thwart the other colonisers and came to rule much of the country by 1840.

他补充说,抵抗和巴勒斯坦人民将保持高度戒备而挫败敌人的阴谋。The Resistance and Palestinians will thwart enemies' plots through full vigilance, Meshaal added.

每个级别防范不同的攻击类型,并提供对攻击者更有效的屏障。Each level tries to thwart different types of attacks and also provides more barriers to attackers.

老虎养殖的拥趸认为,老虎器官买卖的合法化能够起到有效抑制盗猎行为的作用。Tiger farming advocates say that legally selling body parts of the big cat could thwart the poachers.

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不过由于中国政府为防止货币投机活动而设立了繁复的外汇管制,人民币的投资机会依然有限。But thanks to onerous exchange controls to thwart currency speculation, yuan options still are limited.

空晶石常被人认为是一种具有去邪护身功能的宝石,可用她来抵抗恶毒的诅咒。Chiastolite is often mentioned as a gemstone of protection and was once used to thwart evil eye curses.

勇者必须破解近乎无懈可击的强敌所编织的诡诈阴谋。Complex intrigues where the hero must thwart the subtle machinations of seemingly unbeatable opponents.