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来自贵阳,爱好长笛和葫芦丝演奏。Like to play flute and cucurbit flute.

爱好长笛,竹笛,葫芦丝演奏。Like to play flute, bamboo flute and cucurbit flute.

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来自深圳,爱好长笛,葫芦丝演奏。From Shenzhen, like to play flute and cucurbit flute.

来自灵宝市,擅长长笛葫芦丝。From lingbao , to be good at flute and cucurbit flute.

来自辰溪县,爱好笛子和葫芦丝演奏。From Chenxi County, like to play bamboo flute and cucurbit flute.

霜霉病是世界上危害瓜类作物的主要叶部病害之一。Downy mildew is a major foliage disease of cucurbit crops in the world.

在苛刻的作业工况下,焦炭塔运行若干年后会出现筒体鼓胀变形。After many years run, the drum deformation and cucurbit deformation appear.

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而在收获季节,这个身材魁梧的瓜体重应超过100磅,Dixon说。At harvest time, however, the burly cucurbit weighed more than 100 pounds, Dixon said.

防治葫芦科植物萎蔫病,至今仍依靠使用化学药剂防治甲虫。The control of cucurbit wilt has been based on chemical insecticides applied for beetle control.

防治葫芦科植物萎蔫病,至今仍依靠使用化学药剂防治甲虫。The control of cucurbit wilt has been based on chemical insecticides applied for beetle control.

本试验采用葫芦科作物做砧木,普通西瓜品种做接穗进行了嫁接栽培试验。In watermelon culture, cucurbit is used as stock and common watermelon seedlings as scion for grafting.

现在它经过艺术家911的描绘后成为一种更年轻,更天真的艺术品。Now when painted by the artist 911, the cucurbit works becomes a decoration with much younger and naives.

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霜霉病是世界上危害瓜类作物的主要叶部病害之一,每年造成较大经济损失。Downy mildew is a major foliage disease of cucurbit crops in the world and making much damage in cucumber every year.

所有西行车辆停靠在一个设立的检查站接受检查,没有瓜类水果的才允许通过检查站。All westbound vehicles are stopped at an established checkpoint and no cucurbit fruits are allowed past the checkpoint.

近年来,病毒病的发生和危害直接威胁着新疆瓜类作物的生产和发展。In recent years, The Cucurbit crop production in Xinjiang has been directly hurted by the spread of the virus diseases.

破除瓜类蔬菜种子休眠的技术有机械损伤种皮、植物激素处理和化学药剂处理。Injurying seed coats, phytohormone treatments and chemical treatments can be used to break down dormancy of cucurbit seeds.

他在教学生演奏竹笛的同时,也指导学生学习巴乌、口笛、箫及葫芦丝的演奏。As he is teaching his students to play bamboo flute, he also instructs them playing bawu, mouthpiece flute, xiao and cucurbit flute.

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瓜类蔬菜种子休眠的原因有胚休眠、种皮的障碍、发芽抑制物质的存在和激素不平衡等几个方面。Dormancy of cucurbit seeds results from embryo dormancy, seed coat barrier, germination inhibiting substance and phytohormone imbalance.

的面孔。上个周日,一个卖葫芦丝的年轻人,跟那个性格开朗的美国老头搭讪,问他知不知道这种乐器。美国老。Face. Last Sunday, a sell cucurbit young man, with the outgoing American old man accosted, asked if he knew of this instrument. The United States of America old.

一个生产周期为48小时,使焦炭塔经历了循环的升温、降温,整个塔体在室温与480℃之间循环变化,致使焦炭塔在运行若干年后出现塔体鼓胀变形和葫芦状变形。It costs 48 hours in a produce cycle and the temperature of coke drum raise from room temperature to 480℃. After many years run, the drum deformation and cucurbit deformation appear.