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靠近喀山城了。Approaching the city of Kazan.

在喀山宾馆的屋顶。Standing on the roof of the Kazan Hotel.

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你认为公众应该如何评价Kazan?How do you think the public should judge Kazan?

他收藏的伊利亚卡赞改变了一切。The Elia Kazan Collection He changed everything.

该客机坠毁的时候喀山市正在下雨。It was raining in Kazan when the aircraft crashed.

我们在从喀山到古辛斯基音乐节的公路上。We are on the road from Kazan to the Grushinski Festival.

花些时间漫步于喀山大教堂里巨大的棕色圆柱所围成的半圆形。Take time to wander among Kazan Cathedral's semi circle of enormous brown columns.

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花些时刻安步于喀山年夜教堂里巨年夜的棕色圆柱所围成的半圆形。Take time to wander among Kazan Cathedral's semi circle of enormous brown columns.

靠近喀山城了。在左边有一个叫做斯维亚日斯克的城市岛屿。Approaching the city of Kazan. On the left there is a city-island called Swiyazhsk.

泽尼特圣-彼德斯堡和喀山红宝石都跟这名球员有着正式的接触和联系。Zenit Sankt-Petersburg and Rubin Kazan are both strongly linked with official approach for the player.

在一九五七年,她回到电影中伊利亚卡赞导演的“人群中的脸”主演。In nineteen fifty-seven she returned to film and starred in "A Face in the Crowd" directed by Elia Kazan.

喀山的屋顶,是欣赏这个城市的美丽绝佳的地点,只有在这里,才能完全享受这个城市的旖旎风光。One of the best ways to reveal the beauty of Kazan is to observe the grand city from roofs of its houses.

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第二艘“卡赞”号现阶段正在俄北部城市北德文斯克的北方造船厂建造。The second ship, "Kazan" was at this stage is on the northern city of Severodvinsk Russia's Northern Shipyard.

不管在政治上你怎样看他,他的确是个伟大的导演。Whatever you think of Kazan politically, it has nothing to do with the fact that the guy was a great director.

喀山的屋顶,是欣赏这个城市的美丽绝佳的地点,只有在这里,才能完全享受这个城市的旖旎风光。享受吧!One of the best ways to reveal the beauty of Kazan is to observe the grand city from roofs of its houses. Enjoy!

天行者阿纳金和贝拉?卡赞用一架偷来的STAP逃离了采集器,并召集共和国军队以阻止采集器。Anakin Skywalker and Bera Kazan escaped the Harvester on a stolen STAP and called in Republic forces to stop the Harvester.

比赛双方在开赛之前就获得了好消息,喀山鲁宾和基辅迪纳摩已经战成了0-0。The sides had been handed some good news before kick off when it was confirmed that Rubin Kazan and Dynamo Kiev had drawn 0-0.

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俄罗斯中西部城市,位于喀山以西的奥卡河畔。它是化学制造业和工业中心。人口272,000。A city of west-central Russia on the Oka River west of Kazan. It is a chemical manufacturing and industrial center. Population, 272,000

苏联欧洲部分中部偏东的城市,位于喀山市以西的伏尔加河上。是贸易和文化中心。人口389,000。A city of east-central European U. S. S. R. on the Volga River west of Kazan. It is a commercial and cultural center. Population, 389,000.

跟随着他的电影,也许正是他的付出,喀山先生将被作为麦卡锡时代代表人物而被我们铭记。Along with his movies, and perhaps at their expense, Mr. Kazan is remembered for his role in the ideological melodrama of the McCarthy era.