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给克令吊钢丝上润滑油。Lubricate wires of cranes.

给货吊钢丝上润滑油。Lubricate wires of derricks.

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润滑天线转动的部分。Lubricate moving parts of antennae.

禁止润滑调整器或使用管道油。Never lubricate a regulator or use pipe dopes.

传动系统采用油泵自动Cye润滑。Transmission system adopts oil pump auto-Cye lubricate.

身体总是需要很多水分,用来润滑肌肉和关节。We need water to lubricate our joints and maintain our muscles.

水还能润滑关节腔隙润泽皮肤。Water is needed to lubricate the joints and maintain healthy skin.

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如果润滑一点硅油,它发生了巨大的变化。Then if you lubricate it with silicone, it makes a HUGE difference.

清洗或更换隔膜,如果必要的话,润滑阀杆。Clean or replace the diaphragm and lubricate the stem, if necessary.

不立刻光滑轴承就会惹起很大的毛病。It would cause great trouble not to lubricate the bearing immediately.

泪管通常可以湿润并保护眼睛。Tear ducts operate on a normal basis to lubricate and protect the eye.

假如你老是怕麻烦,不给发动机添加润滑油,发动机当然会失灵卡住啦。If you never bother to lubricate your engine, of course it will seize up.

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所谓的合成轻质油更粘稠,从而更敏捷润滑。So-called synthetic light oils are thinner and thus lubricate more quickly.

透气型润肤剂,保护、柔软、润滑皮肤,防水防粘腻。Breathable emollients to protect, lubricate the skin soft, water-resistant sticky,.

主要是因为它们没有可以活动的眼睑来保护和滋润它们的眼睛。They do not have movable eyelids, which help them to lubricate and protect their eyes.

为了保护使皮肤光泽,可以在剃须钱,用一些剃须膏,洗涤剂或者洗涤胶。To protect and lubricate your skin, apply shaving cream, lotion or gel before shaving.

两位作者的文章还夹杂了对男性生殖器的描述,还是借助了食物。The authors lubricate this with a description of the male genitalia, again food themed.

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按照生产厂家的说明书,检查一下门,拧紧螺丝,给弹簧上好润滑油。Check the door, tighten bolts and lubricate the spring as per manufacturers instructions.

如果你想润滑正确的话,你会希望将只是一个润滑剂下降到每个链针。If you want to lubricate correctly, then you will want to put just a lubricant drop into each chain pin.

辉煌重汽玉,致密坚硬,润滑光莹,有着深厚的人文内涵。Glorious heavy vaporJade, fine and strong and tough, lubricate only Ying, have a deep humanities content.