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原告被判给损失赔偿费。The plaintiff was awarded damages.

布雷恩为原告作证。Brayne testified for the plaintiff.

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原告请求复审。The plaintiff moved for a rehearing.

史密斯先生出庭为原告当律师。Mr. Smith appeared for the plaintiff.

原告是被告的反义字。Plaintiff is an antonym of defendant.

原告是被告的反义词。Plaintiff is an antonym of defendant.

告状人很胖,长着一个三角脑袋。The plaintiff was fat, with a triangular head.

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法官阁下,我在本案代表原告人出庭。Sir, I appear on behalf of the plaintiff in this case.

此后,原告方开始对外招揽广告客户。Plaintiff thereafter began to recruit advertisement clients.

申诉人变更仲裁请求,由仲裁庭记录在案。Article 52 The plaintiff may relinquish or modify his claims.

证明对方犯有疏忽罪的举证责任落在原告身上。The burden of proof lay on the plaintiff to prove negligence.

原告建议该案件在布兰普登审理。The plaintiff proposes that this action be tried at Brampton.

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原告请求的救济为强制令和损害赔偿金。The relief the plaintiff sought was an injunction and damages.

原告不服这项判决,上诉直到最高法院。The plaintiff battled the decision all the way to the Supreme Court.

1998年1月6日,原告在托马斯·爱迪生羹汤有限公司购买了一盒罐头。On January 6,1998, the plaintiff purchased a can of Thomas Edison Soup.

如果过了法定诉讼时效,原告将无法得到救济.If the statute of limitations has run, the plaintiff is without redress.

另一位原告,加山艾美,是一位自由作家,于2000年结婚。Another plaintiff is Emie Kayama, a freelance writer who married in 2000.

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这个高级服装面料工程师必原告人更有经验。The Senior Fabric Technologist is much more experienced than the Plaintiff.

原告律师要求微软支付爱荷华疼痛和痛苦状损害。Iowa plaintiff lawyers want Microsoft to pay pain-and-suffering-like damages.

调查由于唯一的原告人不移的决心得以施行。The investigation was brought about by the determination of a sole plaintiff.