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通过门户。Through the portal.

门户是如何活动的?How active is the portal?

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什么是门户分析?What is portal analytics?

什么是门户管理?What is portal governance?

那边的传送门是什么?What is that portal there?

进入你身后的传送门。Enter the portal behind you.

什么是上下文门户?What is a contextual portal?

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阁下使用本服务平台须自承风险。You use the Portal at your risk.

在这个网站发贴、转贴有什么限制吗?There are no blogs in this portal.

两大门户网即将在中国投入运营!Two portal will be operational in China!

手把花锄出绣闱,忍踏落花来复去。Hoe in hand she steps through her portal.

以管理员身份登录到门户。Log in to the portal as an administrator.

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修复使用回城术时游戏崩溃的问题。Crash issue when using a town portal fixed.

这座大厦的正门看上去富丽堂皇。The portal of the mansion looks magnificent.

太平洋电脑网是专业IT门户网站…Pacific Internet is a professional IT portal.

个人电脑是联入web的传统大门。PCs are the more traditional portal to the web.

这是关于新的永恒之门户网站令人兴奋的消息。This a exciting news about the new aion portal.

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于网站及讨论区之档案上传工能已经开放。File upload in Portal and Forum is ready to use.

直接访问门户分解器框架Addressing the portal resolver framework directly

保卫城堡,直到可以打开胜利之门!Defend the castle until the portal can be opened!