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别对着我乱喊!Don't yell at me!

我听到什么人大叫。I heard somebody yell.

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大点声,再大点声Nice and loud. Yell it out there.

如果你需要什么,喊一声就可以了。If you need anything, yell for it.

呼喊是“哎呦”在不断地重复。The yell is "ouch" repeated ad lib.

他们诅咒我。他们大喊大叫。And they curse at me. And they yell.

弗兰克大叫一声跳开了。Frank let out a yell and jumped away.

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现在就到人行天桥上大声练英语!Yell English on an overpass right now!

哭,笑,砸东西,跑眇,大叫。Cry, laugh, break something, run, yell.

她会又哭又闹,甚至会揍我。She will cry, yell and even smack on me.

杰克逊不想打牌球员喊叫,”霍里说。"Phil wouldn't yell at the top dogs, " Horry said.

也许我闻起来像鲜花一样,他就不会朝我大喊大叫了。Maybe he won’t yell at me if I smell like a flower.

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如果他看到父母大声叫喊,他就会大声叫喊。So, if they see mom and dad yelling, they will yell.

永远不要在公众场合对她呼呼吼吼又或是撇下她一人。Don't every yell at her or ditch her alone in public.

从今天起,我下定决心每天喊英语。From today, I'm determined to yell English every day!

就像把你脑袋浸水里,就更难出声了。It was even harder to yell when your head was underwater.

别喊出来,想得慢也不要担心。And don't yell out. And don't worry if you're a bit slower.

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但下次我要你不要喝酒的时候你别对我大呼小叫。But don't yell at me next time I tell you to stop drinking.

听到这个故事总是导致我向收音机大喊大叫吗?Will hearing this story still cause me to yell at my radio?

他抓起婴儿向火上扔去,同时柳条丈夫大叫一声向着孩子的方向一跃而起。At this, the wicker husband let out a yell. Forward he leapt.