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风魂引擎。Wind Spirit engine.

他治愈了她的精神。He healed her spirit.

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白灵熊是一种害羞的动物。Spirit bears are shy.

这是一个精神联盟。It was a spirit union.

我不知道,一个幽灵?I don’t know. A spirit?

那么有个灵魂必定会飞起。So a spirit has to fly.

他的精神可佩。His spirit is admirable.

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他身上透出一股英气。He shows a heroic spirit.

我们永不言败的精神。Our never-say-die spirit.

闲情雅致是会传染的。The spirit is contagious.

这是些植物的精魂。This is a plant of spirit.

精神上他倒并非胆小怕事。He was no coward in spirit.

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怨恨使他精神感到痛苦。Malice festered his spirit.

美德是心灵美。She is beautiful in spirit.

仅仅是武士道精神?。Only the spirit of Bushido ?

藉此你灵浸透全人。Thy Spirit will me saturate.

这是多么高尚的精神!What a noble spirit this is!

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是雷锋精神离我们越来越远?Did Leifeng spirit fade away?

我信圣而公之教会。I believe in the Holy Spirit.

茅台是酒中上品。Maotai is a top-grade spirit.