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“哦,好”,他一瘸一拐地说。Oh, okay, " he says lamely ."

否则,便是跛了脚的“法治”。Otherwise, rule of law will go lamely.

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他左腿跛了,走起路来一瘸一拐的。He is lame in the left leg and he walks lamely.

“我一定是弄错了。”她胆怯地说。"I must have made a mistake, " she said lamely.

他左腿跛的,走起路来一瘸一拐地。His left leg is gimpy and lamely when his walking.

“我一定是弄错了。”她胆怯地说。E. g. "I must have made a mistake, " she said lamely.

那个瘸子一瘸一跛地四处吹哨,通知说不出工。The gimp went lamely around while whistling, informed us not to go to work.

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那狼正踉跄着往回跳,因为虚弱一下失足跌倒在地。The wolf leaped lamely back, losing its footing and falling in its weakness.

那只狼一跛一跛地跳回去,它因为身体虚弱,一失足摔了一跤。The wolf leaped lamely back, losing its footing and falling in its weakness.

我狠狠地白了他一眼,便一瘸一拐地朝寝室走去了。I gave him a hatred expression in my eyes, then I walked lamely towards my dormitory.

上周,他讪讪地承认将无法按照自己设定的最后期限关闭监狱,不过他“预计”在2010年可以做到。Last week, he lamely conceded that he would miss his own deadline but "would anticipate" the jail shutting in 2010.

都知道我们可能冲坠,所以当你在投入到奋战难点时都会经历犹豫、猜疑、笨拙地拍点、最后简单地放弃而掉下来。We know we might fall, so at committing cruxes we hesitate, second-guess, slap lamely for a hold, or simply let go.

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那只狼很快一跛一跛地跳开,身体虚弱,那头狼还失足摔了一跤,那样子可笑极了,可是他却笑不出来。The wolf leaped lamely back, losing its footing and falling in its weakness. It was ludicrous, but he was not amused.

这玩意儿面包机里还有很多,但当越来越多的面包软绵绵地从电话上弹开时,我开始为资源枯竭而担心了。The toaster was fed by a large stock of the stuff, yet as more and more bounced lamely off the phone, I began to fear its exhaustion.

“看起来没什么大事了,虽然行走仍一瘸一拐,但是基本上还可以。”湖人主教练菲尔·杰克逊说。"did not look like any important matter, although walked still lamely , but was basically alright. "Lakers Head Coach Feir · Jackson said.

比赛进行到第63分钟时,孙祥突然一瘸一拐地走到场边,倒在地上,表情相当痛苦。When the competition carries on the 63rd minute, Sun Xiang arrives at the ringside lamely suddenly, pours in ground, the expression is quite painful.

但周一训练快结束时布鲁克斯却一瘸一拐地离开球场,由于右脚踝撞伤他需要缺席1到3周比赛。But Monday trained when the quick conclusion Brooks actually lamely left the field, because the right ankle area damaged him to need to absent 1 to 3 week competition.

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农夫听到了跑出来一看是只狼,毫不手软地给了一顿痛打,直打得狼嚎叫着,一瘸一拐地跑到狐狸那里去了。The farmer heard to run as soon as looked was a wolf, not in the least leniently gave has beaten severely, straight hit the wolf to call out, lamely ran to fox there goes.

我这里笨拙地叙述了公寓里两个傻孩子平淡奇的故事,夫妻俩最不聪明地为对方牺牲了自己家里最大的财富。And here I have lamely related to you the uneventful chronicle of the foolish children in a flat who most unwisely sacrificed of each other the greatest treasures of their house.

在这儿,我已经笨拙地给你们介绍了住公寓套间的两个傻孩子不足为奇的平淡故事,他们极不明智地为了对方而牺牲了他们家最最宝贵的东西。And here I have lamely related to you the uneventful chronicle of two foolish children in a flat who most unwisely sacrificed for each other the greatest treasures of their house.