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他们分享了我们的胜利。They partook our triumph.

他因获胜而洋洋得意。He gloried in his triumph.

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他们凯旋归来。They went home in triumph.

他们分享我们的胜利。They partook of our triumph.

大军凯旋归来。The army returned in triumph.

我为什么称这为一次胜利?Why do I call this a triumph?

他扬扬得意地举起了他的奖品。He held up the prize in triumph.

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那伙人发出胜利的欢呼。The men gave a shout of triumph.

这该是我立功的时候了!This was to be my day of triumph.

她身上显示出一种胜利的神态。An air of triumph exuded from her.

我们的队伍凯旋归来。Our team returned home in triumph.

伟人凯撒,雄狮百万,诀死之魂,何人祭奠Over whom Did the Caesars triumph?

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凯撒凯旋,谁者败寇?Over whom did the Caesars triumph?

她的脸上闪灼着成功的浅笑。A smile of triumph lit up her face.

它标志着肉体的胜利。It marks the triumph of the carnal.

然后,西班牙在2008年欧洲杯上捧杯。Then came the triumph at EURO 2008.

所以我要看见那恨我的人遭报。I will look in triumph on my enemies.

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这所房子是建造学地成绩。The house is an architectural triumph.

士兵们胜利归来。The soldiers returned home in triumph.

锡安得胜利主永远统治。Zion in triumph begins her mild reign.