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他们给小屋盖上茅草屋顶。They topped off the hut with a straw thatch.

他住在用藤条和茅草搭成的单薄房子里。His habitation is flimsy affair of canes and thatch.

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在弥留之际,他艰难地梳理密密麻麻的往事。So, painstakingly, he combed the thatch of the past.

教室是由芦苇跟泥浆混合而成的,屋顶是用茅草盖的。The classrooms are built out of reeds and mud with grass thatch.

我知道那是茅草屋,盖得薄薄的,轻而透气。I knew they were just thatch and must be brittle , porous, and light.

人们住在稻草搭建的吊脚楼中,唯一的地面交通工具是牛车。Everyone lives in thatch huts on stilts, and the only ground transportation is by oxcart.

茅草也不少,扎在丛里,有点儿鹤立鸡群的感觉。Thatch is also a lot of, embedded in the plexus, a little stand head and shoulders above others.

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在巨大的茅草屋里,音乐家在一群闹哄哄的旁观者前面,大声地演奏着狂乱的音乐。Inside a large thatch hut, musicians play loud, frenetic music before a crowd of rowdy onlookers.

很遗憾的是,现在很多人都不知道茅草屋顶有多么坚固和持久。It's a real shame that most people today don't realize how strong and longlasting a thatch roof is.

几个星期前,我花了一剪刀剪下的头发从我的后脑勺茅草。A couple of weeks ago I took a pair of scissors and clipped a thatch of hair from the back of my head.

所以像一个好丈夫那样,他爬上去修茅草屋顶,丑女孩出去工作。So, like a good husband, he climbed up and began to fix the thatch. The ugly girl went out to gut fish.

过了一段时间,他们用木瓦顶取代了茅草顶,因为树木易于种植。After a while though, they began to replace the thatch with wooden shingles. Because wood was so plantful.

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他的嘴唇有点发抖,因此,他嘴上那丛乱棕似的胡子也在明显地抖动。His lips trembled a little, so that the rough thatch of brown hair which covered them was visibly agitated.

那群人以为他们发现那些被窃贼抛上茅草屋顶上面的麝香草。Those throng thought they found those thyme which were thrown on to the top of the thatch by those thieves.

然而过了一阵,他们开始用木质墙板来替代茅草屋顶,因为有充足木料。After a while though, they began to replace the thatch with wooden shingles, because wood were so plentiful.

土壤腐殖质层可被定义为在草皮与土壤表面之间的一层有机残留物。Thatch can be described as the layer of organic residue located immediately between the sward and the soil surface.

虽然茅草屋顶一直用于小屋和农场舍,它也曾是用于城堡和教堂。Although thatch has always been used for cottage and farm buildings, it was once used for castles and churches, too.

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在逐渐聚集的深蓝暮色中,詹姆瞥见一排屋顶上新铺的稻草,还有一排新鲜木头做成的房门。Through the gathering blue dusk Jaime glimpsed fresh thatch upon a score of roofs, and doors made of raw green wood.

他们身材细瘦,皮肤橄榄色,头上都有乱蓬蓬的黑色发卷,脾气发作得快,但消得更快。Thin and olive-skinned boys, each had a thatch of dark curls on his head and was quick to anger and quicker to forgive.

事实上,如果我们看看发展中国家,一半以上的世界生活在茅草屋檐下,但是他们都以不同的方式对待它。In fact, if we look at developing countries, over half the world lives under thatch , but they all do it in different ways.