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很多人认为它会倒退。Many thought it would backslide.


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这并非“倒退”或“堕落”。This is not countermarch or backslide.

你现在工作的很好我希望你不会故态复萌。You re doing excellent work now I hope you wont backslide.

美国经济,在此期间,正在继续倒退。The national economy, meanwhile, is continuing to backslide.

你考试考得不错,我希望你不要退步。You've done a good job in the exam, I hope you won't backslide.

你考试考得不错,我希望你不要退步。正在加载用户记忆法…You've done a good job in the exam, I hope you won't backslide.

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许多基督徒所以冷淡退后,就是因为不认识这个真理。Many Christians backslide because this truth is not clearly taught.

申明无论怎样你不会倒退到旧恶习贵模式。Affirm that no matter what you will not backslide into your old bad habit patterns.

你很确信已经克服了饮食陋习,那又是什么导致了减肥失败?You felt certain that you had conquered bad eating habits—so what caused the backslide?

本来确定自己克服了饮食上所有坏习惯,但又是什么让你回到了从前?You felt certain that you had conquered bad eating habits—so what caused the backslide?

他有好几年没有酗洒了,但我担心最近他又故态复萌了。He kept away from strong drink for years, but recently I'm afraid he' begun to backslide.

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你不能一步登天,有时你甚至会倒退,但不要让这些成为你的障碍。It won't come instantly, and you may backslide from time to time, but don't let that deter you.

许多人因为没有得到而抱怨而放弃而沉沦,智者会因为没有得到而奋起而执著而追求。Many people groan, give up and backslide due to some loss.The intellectuals will stand up to pursue because of not owning something.

那么,为什么中国的统治者继续倒退式的质疑和恐惧,为什么他们还是尽力避免让中国贴上超级大国的标签?Why, then, do China's rulers continue to backslide into doubt and fear, and why do they seek to avoid having China labeled a superpower?

你还可以看到一个模特试图爬上发布会场的楼梯,你也许会祈祷她不会在粉色缎面的大裙子包裹下摔倒。Yet what you see, instead, is a model trying to mount the stairs at Dior and probably praying she doesn’t backslide in an avalanche of pink satin.