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我知道卡布奇诺是你的最爱。I know Cappuccino is your favorite.

卡布其诺是我开启漂亮英语之门的钥匙!Cappuccino is my key to beautiful English!

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我想要一杯卡布奇诺和一个甜甜圈。I want a cup of cappuccino and a doughnut.

弗雷德和邦妮·卡普契诺有21个孩子。Fred and Bonnie Cappuccino have 21 children.

好。我要一杯卡布奇诺和一些甜点。Yes,I want a cup of Cappuccino and some dessert.

通常一杯拿铁比卡布奇诺含有更多的牛奶。A latte typically contains more milk than a cappuccino.

去第一大街的牛女快餐店喝卡布其诺。Sip cappuccino at the Cowgirl Luncheonette on First Ave.

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您一共点了一杯卡布其诺和一份提拉米苏。You ordered a cup of cappuccino and a piece of tiramisu.

意卡少用甚至不用奶,是用奶沫。For a "dry Cappuccino" use less or no milk and only use froth.

我希望您喝过,因为这就是一杯卡布其诺的全部。I hope you have, because that is what a cappuccino is all about.

一个双卡布奇诺是一种美味的咖啡饮料,很容易使。A Double Cappuccino is a delicious coffee drink that's easy to make.

一个单卡布奇诺是一种美味的咖啡饮料,很容易使。A Single Cappuccino is a delicious coffee drink that's easy to make.

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拿铁和卡布奇诺都是来自意大利的咖啡。Latte and cappuccino are both come from Italy, both mixed with coffee and mike.

今天我坚信---这段卡布奇诺旅程将彻底改变我的一生!Today I truly believe ---This Cappuccino Journey will completely change my life!

有种摩卡的变种叫白摩卡咖啡,用白巧克力代替牛奶和黑巧克力。Unlike cappuccino , cafe mochas do not contain the well-known milk froth on top.

毗邻上轿车是一个咖啡吧和儿童的游戏站区。Adjacent to the Upper Saloon is a cappuccino bar and children's game station area.

传统的卡布奇诺咖啡是三分之一浓咖啡、三分之一热牛奶和三分之一牛奶泡沫。Traditional cappuccino is trisected by espresso, hot milk and thick milk foam on top.

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卡布奇诺微泛亚光,沉稳低调,大气格局满足您高贵需求。Matt cappuccino shows your gentle personality, decent layout meets your high-end needs.

意式咖啡口味的蛋糕中夹着一层层的马斯卡彭芝士和卡布基诺奶油。Cakes flavoured with espresso filled with layers mascarpone cheese and cappuccino cream.

那么,一杯卡布奇诺或拿铁不会比一杯茶所含的咖啡因多。So a single-shot cappuccino or latte won't give you much more of a caffeine hit than a cuppa.