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那次疏忽造成了重大损失。The oversight issued in heavy losses.

你们需要监管和问责。You need oversight and accountability.

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这一案件的监督权交给了弗尼瓦·琼斯。Oversight of the case was given to F. J.

它们应该可以落实责任和监管。It has to have accountability and oversight.

施米特公开欢迎监督。And publicly, Schmidt welcomes the oversight.

全系统的监管督察途径A Systemwide Approach to Supervisory Oversight

内容制作者经常忽略这个问题。Content fabricant often oversight this problem.

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批评家表示,智利政府无法善尽监督之责。Critics say the government failed on oversight.

确保所有地点的协调和监督。Ensure coordination and oversight for all sites.

进一步加强行政监督。We will further improve administrative oversight.

一要加强对经济工作的监督。First, we must improve oversight of economic work.

如果有人需要接受监督,我就监督他们。If someone needs to be oversighted, I oversight them.

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威廉因为自己的疏忽而羞愤交加。William was angered and embarrassed by his oversight.

我必须因招待不周向客人道歉。I must make an apology to the guests for the oversight.

我认识众议院情报监督委员会的人。I know someone on the House Intelligence Oversight Committee.

情报监管缺陷的源头则要更深一层。The sources of intelligence oversight deficiencies go deeper.

切实加强财政管理和监督。We will strengthen management and oversight of pubic finance.

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但是监督并非由党派控制,这是一项宪法职责。But oversight is non-partisan, it's a constitutional function.

在走向破产的道路上,迪拜非常缺乏这样的监管。Dubai sorely lacked such oversight in the run-up to the crash.

他说,对银行在这个市场的活动需要更多的监管。More oversight of the banks in this market is needed, he said.