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纯棉巧克力色斜纹内层。Solid cotton LP chocolate-color twill lining.

把手可折叠,内部可存放一只2207气罐。Folding handles, room for one 2207 LP gas cartridge.

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从次级配电箱LP处为终端用电供电。Terminal distribution will made from the divisionary panels LP.

本文研究了LP-15复合材料的耐热氧化稳定性。The thermo oxidative stability of LP 15 composite is investigated.

中和试验结果表明,LP株是一免疫原性强的CDV株。LP strain was proved by SN test to be a high immunogenic CDV strain.

波特的爵士密纹唱片就在你左侧的唱片播放器里播放。Porter's jazz LP has run its course on the record player to your left.

该唱片包含从NAS或说唱歌手拉斐尔Saadiq参与。The LP contains the participation from rapper Nas or singer Raphael Saadiq.

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布隆伯格市长是彭博新闻社及彭博资讯的创始人和大股东。The mayor is founder and majority owner of Bloomberg News parent Bloomberg LP.

对高阶线性规划问题实际应用的稀疏技术的开发作了探讨。It discusses the exploitation of sparsity in large LP problems as used in practice.

本文介绍一台智能机LISP机LISP-M1中的表处理器LP的体系结构。This paper presents the architecture of a list processor LP in a Lisp machine LISP-M1.

主席田北俊表示,有信心收集到30万个支持电话。LP Chairman James Tien expressed confidence in obtaining 300 thousand calls of support.

线性规划。线性规划的单纯形法是求解一维下料问题的传统方法。Linear Programming. Simplex method of LP is a traditional method to solve this problem.

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本文给出了求非退化线性规划最优解的迭代公式。In this paper, an iterative formula to solving non-degenerate LP to optimality is given.

LP问题的最佳解是依据确定性的假设前题下求得。Optimal solutions to LP problems so far have been found under deterministic assumptions.

这位澳大利亚流行天后披露到这首新单曲是用来帮助宣传她的整张专辑的。The Australian pop princess revealed that the new single helped to inspire her entire LP.

对于防扒协会来说,最让其头疼的莫过于一个普通的购物者实际上是个扒手,这点可能大家有所不知。Do you know what LP pros regard as a dead giveaway that a shopper is actually a shoplifter?

点火用气可选用液化石油气或者煤气,每次试验前需要手工点火。Pilot burner system. LP gas or city gas, Pilot burner is ignited manually before each test.

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结论本类脂质蛋白沉积症家系存在新的ECM1基因突变位点。Conclusion A new compound heterozygous mutation of ECM1 gene was identified in this LP family.

在她成为著名的独唱歌手前,她与“蓝色天使”组合于1980年录制了一张唱片。Before Cyndi hit it big as a solo artist, she recorded an LP in 1980 with the group Blue Angel.

托电3号机组低压缸叶片运行仅3个月就发生了断裂。The LP casing blade of unit 3 in Tuoketuo Power Plant is broken after only three months operation.