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船停泊在南安普敦。The ship is berthed at Southampton.

我可以从滑多铁卢以南安普敦去吗?Can I to from Waterloo to Southampton?

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乘客们在南安普敦登陆。The passengers disembarked at southampton.

也就是在那时,我知道南安普顿不可能留住他了。It was then that I knew Southampton couldn't keep him.

我们的功勋人物老队长丹尼斯-怀斯加盟南安普顿。Our old captain and hero Dennis Wise joins Southampton.

贝尔与南安普顿的合同只剩下一年。Bale had only one year left on his Southampton contract.

利物浦队也不轻松,他们同南安普敦的比赛将在28日下午4点30分开球。Liverpool's game against Southampton kicks off at 4.30pm.

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莎士比亚曾经专注地把他写的两首诗送给南安普敦。The playwright dedicated two of his poems to Southampton.

南安普敦大学的安柏林顿把焦点指向住房。Ann Berrington of Southampton University points to housing.

我们都非常感谢他,并祝福他在南安普顿能有更好的将来。We would like to thank Jamie and wish him well at Southampton.

这项研究由格拉斯哥大学和南安普顿大学共同完成。The study was carried out by Glasgow and Southampton universities.

我的母亲告诉我南安普敦有一家设备齐全的烘焙店要出租。My mom told me about a fully equipped bakery for rent in Southampton.

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在到南安普敦时,他离开弗吉尼亚州返回美国。When we got to Southampton he got off the Virginian and went back to America.

宾荷尔是圣工会教士,又是南安普敦一所公立文法学校校监。John Pinhorne, a clergyman in Southampton who maintained a Free Grammar School.

英格兰南部自治市,位于南安普敦以东英吉利海峡附近。A municipal borough of southern England near the English Channel east of Southampton.

那不勒斯在1976年以4-1的总成绩击败南安普顿赢得安格罗-意大利杯。Napoli won the Anglo-Italian Cup in 1976 when they defeated Southampton 4-1 on aggregate.

他在沙乌撒泼顿吃过一顿丰盛的早饭,有鱼,有米饭,有煮老鸡蛋。Having partaken of a copious breakfast, with fish, and rice, and hard eggs, at Southampton.

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以下谨为大家奉上笔者精选的10款2011年夏季时尚敞篷车。Herewith, my 10 picks for stylish motoring from Southampton to Sedona in the summer of 2011

我为南安普顿打入的第一个进球就是在埃兰路,所以,我对这场比赛很期待。I scored my first goal for Southampton at Elland Road so I'm looking forward to the battle.

未被破坏的海岸线和运行南安普敦围绕东面的蒙托克岛结束。微风吹拂沙丘和挥舞草边境大西洋。The unspoiled shoreline begins around Southampton and runs east to the end of the island at Montauk.